Mama problems ||phillip and Eloise

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Eloise settled into her seat and bounced Penelope softly on her knee to the child's delight she adored Penelope.Penelope was the spitting image of Eloise with Phillip's eyes kind and hopeful and filled with love.Phillip walked in he leaned down and kissed el on her cheek.
"good morning my love"
"good morning"
Phillip turned his attention to Penelope.
"hello my darling baby girl" Phillip Cooed Penelope giggled.
Phillip sat down opposite Eloise on the sofa "dearest you look stunning in light blue"
Eloise glanced down at her dress
"I feel very big and swollen but thank you " she rubbed her belly
"I think you look pretty no matter what you look like" Phillip stood up
"weather you feel big,puffy,gross,swollen" he moved closer with every word till there faces were inches apart.
"you Eloise crane are the most beautiful women I have ever known" he rested her chin on the knuckle of his finger.
"Phillip" Eloise gasped as he kissed the side of her lips
"Why are you being cheeky? What do you want?"
"Your love and affection is all" Phillip answered kissing her softly
"Mama!" Amanda came bustling In Phillip and Eloise turned "what's wrong dearest?" Amanda stared at her parents her father standing above her mother her younger sister Penelope in her mother's arms her mother and fathers heads together "oh did I interrupt something"
"Well y-" Phillip started
"No no you did not" Eloise interrupted bouncing Penelope on her knee as the baby began to fuss
"Mama I wish to go see Caroline" Phillip held out his hand and Eloise took it and stood up Phillip kissed her head as Eloise balanced Penelope on her baby bump.
"is your sister back in town"
"she arrived yesterday but how Amanda knows that is a wonder indeed"
"grandma violet sent a letter about aunt Daphne's return I meant to tell you this morning but you were unavailable"
Amanda tried not to look at her parents when she said that last part. Eloise looked at Phillip who grinned at her.
"Amanda go get ready for the day we will go see cousin Caroline as soon as you are ready"
Amanda smiled and ran out of the room.
"I told you that you were being too loud" Eloise said hitting him with a pillow
"I was being too loud! I could say the same thing about you"
Eloise gasped "how dare you" the both smiled Phillip sneaked his hand around el's waist.
"how are you feeling today?"
"Very hungry indeed if this is what it feels to be Colin it is not very enjoyable I was never this hungry with Penelope"
"Each baby is different I presume .. I'm afraid we shall have to ask your mother"
"This baby is pressing on my bladder Exsuce me while I go relive myself"
"Of course I will see that Oliver is ready" he scooped Penelope into his arms and kissed Eloise softly on the lips before she rushed out of the room.
Phillip held Penelope in his arms "hello my darling baby girl" he whispered  Penelope the spitting image of her mother and he was very grateful for that "father!" Amanda yelled  Phillip looked up his children "what has happened"
"We are ready to go"
"Right and where is your brother"
Oliver strode in
"Here father"
"Wonderful Amanda do you have your purse"
Eloise walked in "ah your all here wonderful are we ready to go"
"Yes I believe we are"
Eloise scooped Penelope into her arms "hello my little angel"
"Phillip I am ready to go can you grab my shawl?"
"Of course my love"
He grabbed the shawl of the Chair
Eloise made her way out of the drawing room down the hallway to the front door Amanda and Oliver tailing behind they all got into the carriage and made their way to Hastings house.
The carrige came to a stop and Amanda and Oliver got out Phillip following being them he turned once he was on the ground and Eloise took his hand holding Penelope with one hand Daphne was standing outside with Belinda and Caroline.
"aunt Daphne!" Oliver yelled running to her.
"Oliver! Oh how you've grown!"She hugged him tightly
"Phillip" daph kissed him on the cheek.
"how are you?"
"Well and you?"
"Quite well"
"ah Eloise oh dear sister you are glowing!"
"I do not look the least bit acceptable i feel very big indeed Daphne"
"no you are ravishing sister!" Phillip kissed Eloise's head
"see she sees what I see" he squeezed her hand Simon stepped out of the house onto the patio to stand next to his wife who was cooing over Penelope
"they are out here" he called and Violet bridgerton poked her head out.
"mama" Eloise squeezed Phillips hand
"How are you feeling dearest?"
"Big and swollen"
"Darling are you sure you should be standing in your state? You look rather ill"
"I am wonderful mama but would you excuse me a moment I'm quite tired and i wish to sit down for a moment alone "
Eloise walked inside then turned "Phillip are you coming?"
Everyone turned to look at her " I believe you just stated you wished to be alone"
"Alone with Phillip "
No one said anything to that and Phillip ran to his wife's side after making sure his children were alright which they were as Daphne was cooing over Penelope and Amanda and Simon was talking to Oliver
In truth Eloise did not need to sit down she just wanted to talk to Phillip alone without the prying eyes of her mama Eloise pulled Phillip down the long hallways of the Hastings estate till they reached a room she shut the door and turned to face him "el are you well you are bothered by something"
"It is my mama"
"Yes I noticed"
"I cannot deal with her Daphne is perfect of course but she acts as if i am some glass swan" "el" Phillip stroked her arm softly
"I'm fine it's just she expects me to break now that I let my guard down she doesn't treat Daphne that way I'm not exactly perfect like her"
"you are certainly not Daphne"
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Daphne is simple is she not?"
"Well most of the time I suppose yes"
"you in fact are not simple so no it is not a bad thing darling"
"Right" el rubbed her belly
"Are you alright?"
"The baby is kicking me in the ribs"
"Shall I get your mama?"
Eloise raised an eyebrow
She kissed him softly
Phillip wrapped his arms around her
"it will all be alright"
He rested his chin on her head
"Everything will be well"
"Shall we return"
The pair made their way down the hallway to the Hastings drawing room they were greeted at the door by Daphne holding Penelope in her arms "Penelope!" Eloise scooped her daughter into her arms and kissed her head Phillip kissed El's head and sat down on the couch with Oliver who was mid conversation with Simon.
"uncle Simon may we visit your horses I'm learning to ride and I would love to practice while I am here"
"of course you may if it is alright with your father!"
"Of course just be very careful Oliver"
Simon and Oliver walked out of the room and Eloise sat down next to Phillip resting her elbow on his knee.
"Where's Amanda?"
"With Caroline" Phillip whispered kissing Eloise's head
"Darling sit up I'm sure you are making Phillip uncomfortable"
"No she is quite alright, it is normally the other way around"
"Oh right"
Daphne squeezed el's hand as she sat down opposite her with violet"
A while later after they had arrived home el and Phillip lay in bed together el resting on Phillips chest.
"I'm sorry about your mama"
"she only wants what's best for me"
"I know I wish that were the case for me" el looked up at him
"I'm sorry Phillip"
"It's alright el I've come to terms with it just you are very lucky"
"I know I certainly am"
Phillip kissed el softly on the lips
"I love you Eloise"
"I love you more Phillip".

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