Palmal (everyone)

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Colin and Penelope walked hand in hand down the steps there was a commotion behind them and they turned as Anthony and Kate rushed past  followed by the rest of the bridgerton family "Move husband" Kate elbowed Anthony in the ribs and pushed past him "it's not a completion wife" Garth said as hyacinth pushed him aside Gregory had Hermione on his hip but he still managed to elbow hyacinth so Eloise could sneak past her god you are all insane Phillip said as he watched his wife kick Benedict in the ankle Sophie laughed as Benedict yelped in pain and stumbled forward Colin shoved past them all and grabbed the mallet of death and waved it in the air "give me that" Eloise yelled as Colin dangled it over her head Kate reached up and snatched it only for Anthony to yank it from her hand Lucy Sophie and Penelope all stood there in fits of giggles Phillip and Gregory stood on the side "oh good god" Benedict said him being slightly taller than everyone else snatched it from Anthony's hands and held it above his head in triumph "now can we stop this so we can begin playing" "sister move" Anthony said to Daphne who was blocking his path Benedict was holding the mallet of death higher above his head as hyacinth tried to jump to get it Colin grabbed the yellow mallet clearly accepting defeat Anthony had the blue mallet Eloise had the green mallet and stood with Phillip who was still laughing clearly amused by his wife's insanity hyacinth tried to jump onto Gregorys back to reach the pink mallet Anthony pulled hyacinth over his shoulder even though she was three and thirty he could still lift her "let go of me" Anthony handed her to Gareth who picked her up like she weighed nothing and threw her over his shoulder after everyone had gotten their mallet and hyacinth had given up Colin Benedict Daphne Gregory hyacinth Eloise Kate and Anthony all stood ready for combat "you will not cheat agin brother" hyacinth yelled at Gregory Benedict laughed "sister I believe you are the one who cheated" Colin kissed pens head and joined his siblings on the field Kate and Anthony were shoving each other Benedict was dancing with the mallet still over his head as Gregory swung his mallet Hermione was now in Lucy's arms the rest of the Bridgeton children sat with their grandmother on the porch not to far away "Eloise!" Benedict yelled as she tried to snatch the mallet Daphne swatted Eloise's hand away "must you all fight like ally cats?" Gareth asked as his grandmother poked him with her cane "Gareth you of all people should know that the bridgerton family do not like to lose" "what can you mean by that?" Hyacinth asked as she pushed Gregory to the side "he married you you dunderhead" Anthony said swinging his mallet hitting Kate's ball further away they spent the rest of the day arguing and laughing Colin somehow won which was followed by grumbles from his younger and older siblings he kissed Penelope in triumph hyacinth ran at him and Gareth grabbed her and swung her over his shoulder again Charlotte had joined them all the field and being the 4 year old that she was now clung to Anthony's leg and wouldn't let go even after everyone told her that it was not proper they gave up as they had all tried to kill each other over the mallet of death.

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