Out of Bounds

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Summary: As the 1 v 1 battles begin, some forfeit and some re enter for more.

~Y/n Todoroki~

"Excuse me! I'd like to drop out," Ojiro said from behind you.

You were shocked.

"How come?" you asked quietly.

"Yeah, this is your chance to get noticed by the pros!" someone from your class said.

"I don't remember anything from the cavalry battle...everythings a blur... I think it must have been that guy's quirk," he said, rubbing his neck.

He was on Shinso's team. That asshole.

"I can't just stand here and continue not knowing how I even got here," he said.

Wow. He was strong for that.

Kendo, a girl from class b suggested that Shoto should go back up since he was in the runner up team.

"Alright then, Todoroki brings us back up to 16 competitors!"

You swallowed thickly.

After a few minutes, the first matches were up on screen.

Midoriya vs. Shinso

Todoroki vs. Sero

Todoroki vs. Kaminari

Ida vs. Hatsume

Ashido vs. Aoyama

Tokoyami vs. Yoayorozu

Monoma vs. Kirishima

Uraraka vs. Bakugo

Kaminari wouldn't be too difficult... I can short circuit him with my water when he uses his quirk. Then again, he might short circuit himself.

Your eyes landed on Izuku's name and you could only pray he got through the first round.

You ran up to him during the break.

"Hey," you said as he turned around to meet your gaze.

"Oh, hey, Y/n! Congrats on the win!" he smiled.

You blushed. "Thanks. Hey, good luck, okay? Be careful," you said.

He smiled, putting a soft hand on your shoulder.

"You too, Y/n," he nodded at you.

You gently grabbed his face with your hands as Midnight began to announce positions.

His freckled cheeks erupted in a bright red, his green eyes looking into yours, questioning.

You tilted his head down and placed a soft kiss to his forehead, lingering for a minute before breaking away and walking up to the stands.

You caught up with Mina, who was waiting for you to sit down, and she nudged you, whispering.

"What was that all about?" she asked as the two of you found seats in your section at the front.

"I- I don't know."

"Thanks Cementoss!" Mic began as said pro hero gave a thumbs up, walking to the side lines.

"You've been through hell to get here, final 16! But now it's time for the 1v1 tournaments! You've only got yourself to rely on, even if you're not a hero, this saying holds true! Spirit, technique, wisdom, and strength are what decides your fate in this stage of the Sports Festival!" he continued. "Use em all and show us what you've got!"

"The first match! Making a weird face despite his performance, it's Izuku Midoriya from Class a!" Mic yelled as Izuku walked out, a determined look on his face.

You cheered loudly from the stands.

"Versus...sorry, he hasn't really done anything stand-out ish yet, Shinso Hitoshi from General Studies!"

The purple haired, arrogant, controlling boy walked out of the tunnel, a very small group of people uproaring from the general studies section in the crowd.

"Rules are simple, win by knocking the other out of the ring, immobilizing them, or saying 'I give up'!" Mic explained.


"Well, no killing, of course!" he laughed nervously.

Shinso began talking to Izuku, the words so quiet they were impossible to hear over the roaring crowd.

"Now let's get this started!"


"What did you say!?" Izuku yelled and ran after Shinso, anger evident on his features.

Suddenly, his eyes went white and wide and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Dammit, Midoriya! I warned you!!!" Ojiro yelled, his hands up in exasperation.

"Told him what?" you asked curiously.

"That damn Shinso guy, he has a mind control quirk, so if you respond to him, he can put you under this kind of... spell. That's why I didn't remember anything from the cavalry battle!" he explained.

You sigh.

"That cute idiot."

"Mere seconds into the match, Midoriya's frozen in place!" Mic commentated.

"He's not even twitching!!! Is he breathing!?"

"Izuku, snap out of it, you idiot!" you yelled.

"Like I said, the entrance exam was completely irrational," Aizawa quietly began.

"Shinso failed the practical part of the exam since it was against non living robots. His quirk requires it to be used on a living being, rather than some hunk of metal," Aizawa explained.

Shinso muttered something and Izuku swiftly turned around, walking towards the out of bounds.

"Look at Midoriya, following orders like a good little boy!" Present Mic yelled, shocked.

You frowned. What a lame way to go out.

Just as his red boot was about to walk over the white bounds line, he stopped.

His fingers twitched, and suddenly, there was a large gust of wind that barreled through the stadium, your hair flying back at the impact.

When the dust cleared, Izuku stood there, his breath heavy and hunched over, and his two fingers broken and purple.

He slowly turned around, a scary look on his face.

You smiled widely.

"Yeah!!!!" you drew out your yell, shaking Mina beside you as she cheered with you.

He shook his head and clenched his fist, running back at him as the crowd went crazy.

"Go Izuku!" you yelled, your hands clapping vigorously.

Izuku grabbed his shoulder and rammed his hand into his stomach, beginning to push him out of bounds.

Shinso reached his fist up and punched Izuku square in the face.

That's gonna leave a mark..

Izuku continued to shove him out, but Shinso sidestepped, and grabbed his face, pushing him away from him.

Izuku reached forward, yelled, and grabbed Shinso's arm, swiftly turned around and lifted the boy up and over his shoulder, throwing him to ground harshly.

"Out of bounds! Midoriya moves on to the second round!" Midnight cracks her whip, announcing the green haired boy's victory.

It was silent for a moment before the audience erupted loudly in applause, clapping, hollering.

You yelled happily, clapping your hands together quickly.

Your prayers were answered.

1034 words.

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