Hold My Hand

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 Summary: Y/n is visited in the hospital by a certain classmate.

~Izuku Midoriya~

I waited in that hospital for God knows how long.

I didn't want her to be alone but when the doctors finally let me in, she was already occupied.

Todoroki was already there at her bedside, along with a girl that looked a little older than me with white hair and red tips.

"Am I, um, interrupting something? I could come back later!" I nervously looked between them.

I heard Y/n's sweet laugh.

"You can stay, Izuku."

I let out a soft sigh and made my way to the other side of her bed, not once taking my eyes off of her relaxed, tired form.

"How- how are you feeling?" I asked her after sitting down in a chair next to her side.

She stiffly moves her fingers around and looks back up at me.


It was only then I noticed how much trouble she had moving her head around. There were thick bandages wrapped all the way around her neck, little spots of blood that leaked through.

"Does it hurt?" You idiot, of course it hurts!

"Not so much right now, but when it happened it definitely did. How were your injuries?" she asked me sweetly.

Her voice was very raspy and broken, probably because of how close the damage was to her vocal chords.

I really didn't want to see what was going on under those wraps.

After a minute of silence, she speaks up.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot! Well, you know Shoto, but this is my older sister, Fuyumi. She's kinda what keeps the family together at this point," she laughs hoarsely.

Fuyumi extends a hand to me with a small smile.

"You must be Izuku. I've heard quite a bit about you," she says as I shake her hand and blush.

"All good things, I hope."

"Of course!"

Y/n's face becomes red as she grabs Fuyumi and I's hands and lowers them down.

"Enough, you two."

She lets go of Fuyumi's hand to adjust part of her pillow before settling again.

It's only then I notice that she hasn't let go of my hand.

I can practically feel the heat radiating from my face, and I'm almost certain that Y/n can too because she turns to me and asks if I'm okay.

She looks down at our hands and blushes, removing it from my own.

My hand had never felt colder.

"S-sorry..." she muttered, looking away.

I don't verbally respond but instead take back her hand that rested on her stomach, holding it gently.

I don't know where this confidence came from, but I'm kinda diggin' it.

I smile softly at her. She smiles back, her cheeks now a paler shade of red.

A couple minutes later, the doctor came in to give the rundown.

"It seems you'll be out of here in no time! Your head will continue to hurt throughout the next week, so take it as easy as possible until the sports festival, because I know how important of an event it is for you students," the doctor said, looking up from his clipboard.

Y/n smiled.

"Is there anything else I should know or be worried about?" she asked, coughing into her elbow with a pained expression.

I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand in a comforting manner.

"Ah, yes. Your throat. There was major damage to the skin and unfortunately there will be a scar almost all the way around your neck. There's no curing that. We can give you some ointments to help fade them, but there's no doubt they'll still be quite visible. Maybe refrain from talking too loud or yelling for the first couple of days. Do some vocal exercises to get those vocal chords used to the pain and eventually it will go away, alright?" the doctor smiled.

Y/n sighed. She didn't look too happy when he mentioned the scars, but managed to keep that pretty smile on her face.

"Yep. Thanks, Doc."

The doctor nodded and walked out.

Fuyumi stood up and cleared her throat.

"I should be getting home to make dinner. I'll come see you tomorrow, yeah?" She leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "It was nice meeting you, Izuku!" Fuyumi smiled, bowing slightly before turning and walking to the door.

"Huh? Oh- uh, you too!"

Shoto stood up and pressed his forehead against Y/n's, staying there for a moment before pulling back and squeezing her hand.

"Love you, Sho," she smiled at her brother.

I smile at the scene. It's rare for you to see brother's and sister's have an actually decent relationship. Especially in this day and age. It's sweet.

"I love you too, Y/n," and with that he walked out, leaving just me and Y/n in the hospital room.


"You don't have to stay, Izuku. It's alright, really-"

"But I want to."

Her cheeks flush and I can feel mine do the same.

"I- I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," I say, standing up. I realize our fingers are still intertwined. We stare at each other for a minute before I clear my throat and pull away, making a beeline out of the door and towards the restroom.

When I get in there, I look in the mirror. I notice my hair is sticking up in places it shouldn't be, and that I'm sweating a lot more than normal.

I turn on the faucet and dip my hands in the cold water, flinching before splashing it on my warm face, massaging it in to try and get rid of the painted blush.

I shake my head at my dripping face and sigh.

"This is too fast...It's all happening too fast," I mutter to no one in particular.

"I think- I think I'm in love."

934 words

My Love, Mine All Mine (Izuku Midoriya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now