Eraser Head, You Truly Are Awesome

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Summary: Class 1A tries to escape the villain attack but ends up being separated all around the USJ. You find your way back to Izuku, who is more than happy with your sudden appearance.

~Y/n Todoroki~

"Villains? No way!" someone said, shocked.

"What villains'd be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes?" another one said, probably Kaminari.

"One whose quirk can surpass the security alarms. One who's smart enough to start a riot in front of the school to get all our schedules!" You said, looking around at the class.

"You're right! That must've been what that was all about yesterday! Someone must have leaked that All Might would be at the school and reporters went batshit crazy over it." Ashido said, walking up next to you.

You sighed.

"Are they only here or also at the main building? Either way, if they've bypassed the sensors..." you said thoughtfully.

"This place is far from the campus. And they picked a time when there'd be few people here...So maybe they're not as dumb as they seem," Shoto said, finishing your thoughts.

"They must have some sort of objective. Because this is a well-coordinated attack," he said.

Aizawa readied his capture weapon and shouted to Thirteen over the student's loud chatter.

"Thirteen! Begin evacuation. And try contacting the school!" he started, "One of these villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of their electric-types is causing interference," he looked to Kaminari. "Kaminari, try using your quirk to signal for help."

"Got it!" the quivering boy said.

"But sensei, you can't fight them all by yourself! Against that many... you can't nullify all their quirks! As EraserHead, your fighting style is a quick one on one erasure and capture! Head-on battle isn't-" Izuku was cut off by the teacher's rough voice.

"No good hero is a one-trick pony."

He leaped down the stairs as he ran towards the heap of villains crowding by the fountain.

The villains were all yelling something, but neither you nor the class could tell what they were saying over the sound of your shaking bones and thumping heartbeats.

As the class saw that he began taking out each villain one by one, Izuku stood and watched in awe as your class began making their way towards the exit.

"Wow! He can hold his own even when out-numbered!"

Ida looked back and yelled, "There is no time for analysis! Hurry up and evacuate!"

A dark, purple mist formed in front of the group. You were in the front with a few others and skidded too quickly, falling back into Kirishima's arms as he helped steady you again. The others near the front looked just as distraught.

"I won't allow this," a dark, intimidating voice said from the mist.

"Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but... today, we've come here to UA High School- this bastion of heroism-" what does that even mean? "-to end the life of All Might, the Symbol of Peace," the deep and somewhat formal sounding voice boomed, sending shivers of uncomfortableness down your spine.

"We originally planned for said hero to be here with us today... it seems his schedule was revised?" he gave a harsh chuckle. "However, as far as I'm aware, my role remains unchanged."

As he said this, Kirishima rushed from my side and Bakugo followed, aiming to land an attack on the mist man.

Bakugo launched an explosion, no harm coming of it.

"Betcha didn't see that coming, huh!?" Kirishima yelled.

"That was quite close, I'm afraid. Yes, students though you may be, you are certainly the best of the best," mist man said.

"No, get back! Both of you!" Thirteen yelled to the two boys.

The blackish-purple mist started to surround the entirety of the class, only a few people dodging out of the circle.

You felt your feet being lifted from the ground and after a few seconds, you landed harshly on a hard surface.

You panted heavily and looked around, your head whipping in all different directions.

I'm in the Conflagration zone! No wonder it's so damn hot...

You got up and looked around.

You felt yourself slowly dehydrating.

You conjured as much water as you could from the air and wrapped it around yourself- almost like a blanket- and began to walk towards the shine of light you saw; presumably the exit.

Suddenly, you were slammed into the ground and felt a heavy weight on your back.

"Ow! What the fuck! Who- Ojiro?"

The blonde boy with the tail had his foot pressed harshly against your back.

"Todoroki? Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I thought you were another villain! I had a little run-in with some earlier and I've been extra cautious since," he said, removing his weight off of you and helping you up.

"It's fine. Do you know how to get back?" you asked, rubbing your sore shoulder.

"I think so. It should be this way, follow me!" he said, and the two of you walked for about ten minutes, constantly looking over your shoulder, making sure you weren't being followed.

The two of you eventually made it out, and what you saw almost made you throw up.

Aizawa was being held to the ground by a giant black bird monster, face bruised and bloodied, a crater in the ground beneath him. As you looked around, you found that by the Flood Zone, there was the man with all the hands, his arm stretched out right in front of Tsu's face, with Izuku and Mineta watching in horror.

Though, when his hand reached her face, nothing happened. You looked around to see the cause and saw that Aizawa had pushed up against the bird-guy's hand, erasing his quirk.

"Ah, EraserHead. You truly are awesome, aren't you?" his raspy, dry voice said from behind the severed hand that lay on his face.

Izuku raised his first, about to attack.

When he punched out, the bird seemingly appeared in front of him.

His arm isn't broken! How?

This must've been what mist guy was talking about earlier.

This was what was supposed to kill All Might.

Aizawa was knocked out cold. There was no saving them, now.

As chaos unfolded, Izuku found himself in a perilous situation, caught in the grasp of the monstrous bird villain. Despite Ojiro's pleas for her safety, Y/n couldn't bear to see Izuku in harm's way.

With determination burning in her eyes, Y/n summoned all her strength and focused her quirk, conjuring a powerful torrent of water from the shipwreck zone. With precise control, she sculpted the water into a giant hand, reaching out to snatch Izuku from the villain's clutches.

The water hand swooped in with a grace that belied its strength, grabbing Izuku and pulling him away from danger. With a thud, Izuku landed safely on the ground, his eyes widening in astonishment as he looked up at Y/n.

"Y-Y/n!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

Y/n rushed to his side, her heart racing as she took in the sight of Izuku, safe and sound.

Before you could respond, the entrance to the USJ swung open, revealing the large, blonde, Symbol of Peace himself.

"Fear not. I..." he seemed to be breathing heavily.

He wasn't tired, was he? No. He was angry.

"-am here," the large frown and furrowed eyebrows sent a shiver down your spine.

Remind me to not piss him off...

1196 words.

My Love, Mine All Mine (Izuku Midoriya X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ