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Summary: As the rest of U.A.'s classes come to seek out the competition, a declaration of war is made.

~Y/n Todoroki~

"Well it hasn't even been a throat closing thing lately, just the headaches. But now, with this injury I think I might have to use them more often-" you told Izuku as he had asked about the inhalers from your hero costume again.

"What's going on?" Uraraka asked as the door to Class 1-A opened, revealing the loud chatter of at least a couple hundred students crowded around the class.

"What're they even here for?" Mineta asked, sweating.

"They're coming to scope out the competition," you said, watching curiously as Bakugo began to carelessly walk up to them.

"-cause we're the kids who survived the villain attack," he seemed to finish your thoughts. "Makes sense they'd want a sneak peek before the sports festival."

"There's absolutely no point though. Fuck off, extras," he told the crowd.

"Oh my God, can we not for one day?" you ask exasperated.

"It's true, we came to get a look, but you sure are modest, aren't you?" a tall, purple haired boy walked to the front with tired eyes and an even more bored tone of voice.

"Are all of you like this?" he chuckled dryly.

Your eyebrows furrowed.

What's with his attitude?


"I must say, I'm a tad disillusioned with what you seem to be offering. Those of us who didn't make the hero course are stuck in General Studies and other tracks. There's a lot of us, y'know?" he said snarkily.

You were beginning to get mad.

"Just who do you think you are? Barging in here to tell us your sob story about how you didn't make the cut 'cause we're better than you?" you snapped, stepping up next to Bakugo.

Bakugo smirked.

Izuku gasped nervously.

This was not going to end well. Not if you were mad, too. Bakugo was one, but you were another.

"It's almost like you want pity," you finished.

The purple haired boy rolled his eyes.

"It's about to turn from 'sob story' to a redemption arc, so if I were you, I'd keep a close eye on your rank in the hero course. Otherwise you'll be bumped down to our level, darling," his smooth voice angered you further.

"Don't call her that-" Izuku spoke up, walking slightly forward before Ida placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him to stay put.

"So depending on the result of the sports festival, they might consider switching up our places," he smirked.

"Scoping out the competition?" he chuckled again, "for a general studies kid like me, this will be my perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals-" he sighed.

"Consider this a declaration of war," he said.

"Consider it accepted," you sneered at the tall boy, walking forward to meet him eye to eye despite the height difference. You weren't gonna show him any weak points. He was going to be your new stepping stone towards becoming a hero. And you were going to keep it that way.

He smirked at you.

One student yelled about how he was from class b, and that was that.

Bakugo began to push through the crowd, with you following not too far behind.

"Move, extras," he said, shoving some of them down.

And with that, it started. The two weeks to improve yourselves to prove yourselves.

And then came the sports festival.

575 words

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