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Summary: After the end of the school day, none other than Izuku Midoriya wonders if he can ask a few questions about your quirk, that cute little thing.

~Y/n Todoroki~

"And I was lying, no one's going home."

What the fuck.

"That was just rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."

Your classmates raised a hoot about that one.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry, I guess I should have said something," That Momo girl pointed out.

Oh she's one of those girls.

A girl with purple hair, Kaminari, and a short boy with- balls on his head?- spoke up all at once.

"Yeah, you should have."

Shoto leaned down by your ear and whispered, "That was quite amusing."

You snorted softly.

You looked over at Midoriya to see him sweating and staring shocked at Aizawa.

You giggled softly and he turned to look at you, his green eyes questioning. Then his whole face turned bright red.

So did yours.

You caught Ashido's eye who was standing near Midoriya.

She smirked and mouthed, "Midoriya, huh?"

You playfully glare at her and turn your attention back to the teacher before you.

"That's it, we're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom and read it over before tomorrow morning," he sighs.

"Midoriya- take this and go have the old lady fix you up."

Aizawa handed Midoriya a hall pass and looked around at everyone.

"Will someone go with and make sure he doesn't hurt himself again?"

Students giggled.

"You- Todoroki. Grab your stuff and head out with him."

Your cheeks heated up again.

"A-alright. See you, Shoto," You side-hugged his arm before walking to the girls locker room.

As you walked out, back in your school uniform with your backpack, you saw Midoriya waiting for you.

"Ready?" I asked as he snapped out of his daze.

"Oh! Yeah, mhm."

The two of you walked in silence all the way to Recovery Girl's office.

Midoriya opened the door and stepped aside to let you in.

"Oh that's okay-"

"I insist, really-"

"You can go first, honestly-"

"Will you just come in already?" Recovery Girl spoke over the (banter?).

You hurried and went as Midoriya came in after you.

"You, again?" the old lady sighed.

"I'll be right back, dearies. You feel free to wait here."

She left the room to drop off some paperwork to the principal's office.

"So... does it hurt?" Does it hurt? What the fuck kind of question is that, of course it hurts!

"Only a little right now. I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing but I'm not complaining," he chuckled softly.

Your eyes softened at the sweet sound.

If that was the last thing I heard before I died, I'd be content.

"Let's hope it's a good thing then," you smiled softly.

The two of you met eyes and held each other's gaze in a locked look of interest.

He cleared his throat and looked away, breaking your concentration.

"Hey, your quirk is really something. During the entrance exam, when you caught me with your water- thanks for that, by the way- it was more warm, but today during the race, I went up against you and caught a little bit of the splash, and it was cold. Do you do that on purpose as part of your quirk? Or do you have two quirks like your brother? Or-" he muttered in a ramble.

A soft smile made its way onto your face as you listened to the nonsense he was spurting from his mouth, unconsciously connecting his freckles together like connect-the-dots.

"-cause if you can regulate the temperature within the water- oh jeez, I'm rambling again, aren't I? I'm so sorry-"

"No! Uh, no, you're okay. And yeah, I can change the temperature of the water at my will or sometimes it fluctuates as my emotions change," you say, happy that someone cared about you enough to ask you about your quirk.

"O-oh. That's really cool. Do you mind if I ask you a couple more questions regarding your quirk? For my notebook?"

You thought it was so freaking cute that he kept a notebook of people's quirks. Like character analysis.

"Of course!"

He happily whipped out his notebook from his bright yellow bag and- with his good hand-, began to write down the things you'd tell him about your quirk.

Recovery Girl stood at the doorway of the infirmary, shaking her head with a knowing look on her face.

"Those two will get together before second semester- I can almost guarantee it."

"Wanna bet on it?" Aizawa murmured quietly from beside her.

"50 dollars and a day off?"

"Make it two days and it's a deal."

803 words

My Love, Mine All Mine (Izuku Midoriya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now