15. Teach Me

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||Edward's P

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||Edward's P.O.V.||

"Like mother, like daughter," Rosalie hissed, shooting daggers in my direction. "You just had to save her, didn't you? You're unbelievable."

She mentally hurled insults my way, but who could blame her? I had, once again, exposed my family's secret to a human. Safe to say, my adoptive sister was not happy with me. I was seriously not in the mood for this right now.

"We've been over this. You did the right thing, Edward," Esme spoke up, offering me a reassuring smile. "You prevented a terrible tragedy."

Carlisle nodded in agreement. She's right. "However this turns out for us, you did make the right call." You know that.

Rosalie scoffed, earning a stern look from Carlisle and a frown from Esme.

"And if she outs us to everyone then what? Don't you think that'd be a 'tragedy'?" She quipped, glaring me down with a look of wrath.

If looks could kill...

"She won't say anything, Rose," Emmett assured her, taking her hand in his and casting me a quick glance. If I was you, I think I'd step out for a bit.

Alice looked at me curiously. "How did she even figure it out?"

A scowl crawled across my face at the reminder. "A native from the local res seems to have taken a liking to her," I forced the words out.

Alice's mouth formed an 'O' shape, her thoughts going a mile a minute.

"That could be a problem," Jasper was quick to say, glancing at Carlisle. "Have any of the natives turned that we know of?"

My mind was bombarded with images of Alexandria dancing all over the boy from the party. She slept with him. She 'rode him 'till sunrise'- Her words, not mine. For some reason, the thought of his hands on her body caused a wave of anger to rock through me. My empath of a brother picked up on the turbulent emotions and sent a calming wave my way, but it did little to ease the jealousy coursing through my veins.

Since I was too preoccupied trying to force the tempting, stubborn girl from my thoughts, Emmett was the one to respond.

"Not that we know of," he said, frowning as he added, "Yet. But her brother has. He's from La Push." Chuckling lowly, he continued, "Obviously. Given the fact that he's visiting the res here, something could be up."

I nodded in agreement, feeling guilty that I hadn't spoken to the rest of my family about the situation sooner.


Alexandria Clarke had taken up permanent residence in my mind, occupying each of my thoughts. Countless times, I've tried and failed to rid the golden-haired girl from my head, but it seemed as though the harder I tried not to think about her, the more she burrowed herself deep into the crevices of my mind- taunting me. Haunting me. It was a catch-22 at its finest.

Her Daughter, His Rebel || Edward CullenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant