12. The Cold Ones

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||Edward's P

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||Edward's P.O.V.||

It took every ounce of control I had not to allow my eyes to watch her retreating form as she exited the library, leaving me a flustered, confused mess. The second I felt her warm fingertips brush against my jaw, I knew the grave mistake I made. Allowing the girl to touch me?! What in the hell was I thinking?!

As simple and innocent as her caress was, I fear it had opened Pandora's Box. All I could think about as I reveled in the electric feel that her warm hand provided against my stone-like skin was the thought of feeling her touch in other areas of my body. Forbidden places. I didn't even need her delusional, erotic thoughts to allow myself to have a twisted fantasy of my very own.

I couldn't help but imagine how incredible her soft, warm hand would feel wrapped around my- No! No, no, no, no, NO! It was entirely unacceptable to even consider such a thing. Still, I found myself unable to stop thinking about it..

I sat there like a knot on a log in the middle of the library as I tried to sort through my rampant thoughts, forcing myself to think about anything except the enticing girl whose alluring scent still hung in he air. Minutes passed before I so much as glanced at the clock. It was six o'clock. The party had officially started. I couldn't help but wonder what Alexandria was doing in that exact moment. Had she already started drinking? Was she dancing? Dancing with someone?

I had to bite back a growl at the memory of what happened at her party not so long ago. Surely, she wouldn't find herself in that sort of predicament again. Then, her words from earlier ran through my mind- Taunting me.

"Oh, I'll definitely be spending my night in bed. But I won't be studying."

I was gritting my teeth with a force that would crush diamonds. Surely, she didn't actually mean that. The party is at a cemetery, for crying out loud. There wouldn't even be any beds. Unless.. she meant it as a figure of speech. I was well aware what 'taking someone to bed' entailed, but she wouldn't possibly allow a hormonal teenage boy to take advantage of her in the middle of the woods. She was a clever girl. Granted, she could easily be overpowered.. or have her drink spiked.. I shuddered at the thought.

That's when another horrific thought hit me. Would they be taking advantage of the situation? Or would she be the one in control, stringing the unsuspecting boy along like a puppet? I threw back my head in frustration and closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. What have I gotten myself into?

When I opened my eyes, I stared blankly straight ahead before a shiny object caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I glanced down and saw a cellphone laying on the ground. Only when I picked it up did I realize that it was Alexandria's. Of course, it was..

Panic pierced through me immediately. The young, reckless girl was at a party in the middle of the woods and didn't even have her cellphone. I cursed internally as I gathered my things and shoved them into my bag before making a beeline for the exit, desperate to get to Miller Wood Cemetery as quickly as my legs could take me.

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