11. Kryptonite

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||Lexie's P

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||Lexie's P.O.V.||

"..One cup light brown sugar. Two spoons vanilla extract." I added the ingredients to the bowl. "Two large eggs..."

"Don't forget the salt," Chris spoke up.

"Or the baking powder," Skye added.

Gavin had his hand in the bag of chocolate chips and was snacking away. I had invited my friends over to help me get settled in at my dad's. Unfortunately, Tiffany wasn't able to make it. I had a feeling it had something to do with Chris, but I knew better than to pry. She would talk about it when she was ready.

On a whim, I had decided to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Homemade. I was hoping to save a few for Edward, figuring it would be a good 'thank you for saving my life'. You know, since he didn't take me up on the offer of a blowjob (yet). *Wink wink*.

Unfortunately, I had overestimated my baking skills. My mother was great in the kitchen-She could whip up homemade goods with the best of them. I, on the other hand, was lucky to make ramen noodles taste edible.

I was trying (and struggling) to follow the recipe I found online to a T.

"Oh, shit!" I gasped as I eyed the two different spoons laying on the counter. "It called for two teaspoons of vanilla extract, and I think I used tablespoons instead."

I stared down at the bowl full of batter and frowned, realizing my mistake. Skye's eyes widened as she looked at the recipe on my phone.

"It will be fine," Gavin spoke up around a mouthful of chocolate chips. "It will just be extra vanillaey."

"Vanillaey?" Chris quirked a brow, shaking his head.

"More flavorful," Gavin explained, looking into the chocolate chip bag with a worried expression. "I hope I saved you enough chocolate chips. What are chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips?"

"Cookies," Chris responded in a dull tone. "They're still cookies."

I released a heavy sigh, unsure if the ruined batch was even worth saving. Skye came over to inspect and laughed.

"You've got some eggshells mixed in." She smiled, picking out a random piece of an eggshell.

I chuckled along with her. "I guess I can cross 'baker' off my career prospects."

"The eggshells will give it a nice little crunch. The different textures may do 'em a bit of good," Gavin said, grinning from ear to ear.

Such an optimist. There were only a handful of chocolate chips left in the bag, but the recipe called for two cups.

"Next time I'm getting an extra bag." I chuckled as I placed the cookies in the oven.


As I was walking down the hall with Skye and Tiffany, we stopped in front of our lockers. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Edward digging through his own locker, his eyes hesitantly sweeping in my direction. I couldn't stop myself from glancing at him, pulling my lower lip between my teeth as I stared at him longingly. I couldn't help how my body responded to him. He was easily the hottest guy I've ever come across.

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