Undyne the Undying vs. Spinner and A Last Request

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Undyne starts the fight off by trapping her and Spinner in an arena of spears that will only disappear if she allows it or if she dies. Not like she's planning on dying in this fight.

Undyne: Come at me!

Spinner just shrieks and charges at Undyne. He brings out his sword and attempts to slice her in half. Luckily, Undyne saw that coming from a mile away. She blocked it with her spear.

Undyne: You may have a lot of physical strength, punk! But that won't be enough!

Undyne summons a bunch of spears and tries to impale Spinner. But Spinner manages to avoid them.

Spinner: ___L_M_

Undyne summons dozens of spears and launches them at Spinner. He manages to dodge most of them but a few manage to hit him. But they didn't do much damage to him thanks to all the quirks he has.

Undyne: Damn! Wait! I know what I need to do!

Undyne brings out a small headpiece and calls Alphys.

Undyne: Alphys! I need you to put Izuku on the line! I need his analytical skills!

Alphys: R-Right!

Alphys gives Izuku her headpiece.

Izuku: What do you need?!

Undyne: You told us that Nomu have multiple quirks. Since you've fought this punk before, you should know what his quirks are! I need your analytical skills!

Izuku: Alright! The first quirk Spinner has is the one he was born with. It's called Gecko. It gives the user the appearance of a gecko and allows them to stick to walls.

Undyne listens closely while dodging Spinner's attacks and summoning more spears to atack him.

Undyne: Ok! Any weaknesses?

Izuku: Since you trapped him into this arena, he doesn't have much to stick to.

Undyne: Perfect! What else?

Undyne shoots a yellow spear from behind Spinner. Spinner was ready to block it with his sword when it turned around and hit him on his right side. Then, dozens of other yellow spears hit him over and over again.

Izuku: The next quirk he has is called Scalemail. It allows the user to cover their body with sharp, armored nails which grants them increased strength and defense.

Undyne: That explains why he's been able to tank through my spears.

Spinner tries to stab Undyne again but she dodges and fires off many more spears. They were flying too fast for Spinner to even block.

Izuku: However, generating the scales necessary for defense causes the user to bleed as they rupture the skin. Also, any high force of impact can easily break  through the armor plating as it can't withstand potent punches.

Undyne: Really? That's some useful information.

Undyne rushes towards Spinner and punches him. Although it didn't do much damage to him.

Undyne: ...Crap.

Spinner punches Undyne and sends her flying into the spear walls. Luckily, she didn't take much damage because her armor protected her.

Undyne: Damn. He's quite strong. Any more info, bush boy?

Izuku: Please don't call me that. And yes. He has a quirk called Body Bulk. It allows the user to bulk up their entire body, greatly increasing their physical strength and body size.

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