Journey to Waterfall and Meeting Undyne

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It's a new day. It's a happy time. At the underground. Up on the surface is a completely different story. But that's going to be a different chapter. Now...let's check up on the tenth One For All user who has just woken up.

Asriel: *Yawn* Where am I? Oh. I'm home.

Asriel then looks down at his paws and smiles.

Asriel: 'So it wasn't a dream. Thank you, Izuku.'

Asriel then walks out of his old room and sees his mother reading up on a book of dreams and what they mean.

Asriel: 'Guess she thinks yesterday was just a dream as well. Can't say I blame her.' Good morning, mom.

Toriel: 'So it wasn't a dream.' Good morning Asriel.

Toriel then hugs Asriel.

Toriel: So, are you ready to go to Waterfall to train with Undyne?

Asriel: Of course I am. I'm excited to be able to use this new power of mine.

Just then, a new spirit comes out of Asriel.

???: Even if you do, kid, you'll still have to be careful of your power output

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???: Even if you do, kid, you'll still have to be careful of your power output. After all, the more it's passed down, the stronger it becomes.

Asriel: Its not always like that?

Banjo: *Sigh* No. why do fans of this fandom always think that? No. It's not like that.

Asriel: 'He can break the fourth wall too?!'

Toriel: May I ask your name?

???: Name's Daigaro Banjo. I'm the fifth user of One For All. And unless this Undyne chick is some kind of, super crazy soldier that would suplex a boulder just beause she can, you will not be able to use One For All within the first day of training.

Asriel and Toriel sweat dropped at that because the description fits Undyne perfectly.

Toriel: Anyways, let's go. But Asriel?

Asriel: Yes, Mom?

Toriel: Everyone knows that you died. The monsters in the ruins are already in complete shock seeing that the long dead prince has come back to life. You'll have to be prepared for a lot of questions from the other monsters.

Asriel: I'm not as shy as I used to be, mom. I can handle it. But we have any spray paint?

Toriel:Yes. But why?
Asriel: Well, the cape I got from Izuku's corpse, I want to make it green.

Daigoro: And why's that, kid?

Asriel: To honor Izuku by using his color for the cape.

Daigoro: Seems like a noble reason to me.
After that, Toriel got the spray paint from the room that was under renovation. Asriel then spray paints the cape and wraps it around himself.

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