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It's been three days the babies are good but I've had a seizure so I'm stuck for a bit to make sure I'm ok Walker, Ryan, Colby, and Lee have not left my side unless it's needed the babies got to go home already Monica Kaycee Jaimie and Beth are all taking care of them my dad and rip are helping too even tho I'm not sure where me and rip stand at the moment Lloyd kicked all the guys out and made them go shower and stuff and I'm thankful my room started smelling ripe bc of those idiots I've seen them they look adorable mason looks identical to me but with blonde hair blue eyes,Evelyn has green eyes light brown hair,Alice has no hair at the moment unlike her sister and brother she's got grayish blue eyes and last but definitely not least the smallest of the four Vivian Mae Dutton she has no hair like Alice and has two different colored eyes one grey and blue,they love all of us of course but mason likes Lloyd the best Viviana loves Walker,Ryan and rip Evelyn loves my dad and hates Tate for some reason then Alice she's already infatuated with horses you'd have to pry her away from Lee and Jaimie the puppies stay with them if they get separated they'll all cry my dad says there to much like me in that way  I've made friends with a all white owl I've named hootie and a mean ass crow he likes to peck everyone but me he eats fry's 🤫 he's not supposed to come in and if hootie who's one more time and wakes me up ill kill him he's gone home and into the barn now tho
I've named my crow Crowley and a mouse who Crowley has eaten rip cheese bc he'd only eat cheese and he's a mouse duh

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