New found love

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After a day of drinking and watching a random show bc walker broke the damn remote the hear the rest of the wranglers come in with confused looks on there faces besides Ryan he looked jealous
Loyd went over to get a beer just to find out walker and Josie had drank them all he was mad till he seen Josie getting up and walking like a baby deer then he couldn't help but laugh along with everyone else besides walker who has fallen asleep on the couch till he woke up bc Josie fell on his feet making every laugh harder Ryan going to help her up Colby grabbing car keys and asking Ryan if he wanted to go with him to get beer immediately regretting his decision when both drunk Josie and walker ran out to go get in the truck

*at the store*
Walker going to get a cart so they can put Josie in it so she can't run around the store like a kid in a candy store Josie immediately jumping in and sitting down making the guys laugh Ryan and Colby went to get beer as walker pushed Josie over to get snacks Josie grabbing fruit snacks, ice cream and juice boxes then was going to cry when walker told her she didn't need them so instead of dealing with the crying 24 year old he just put them in the cart and went to check out deciding that'd be the best decision when they got out there they seen three puppies in a box that said free Josie and walker deciding to grab the puppies and take them to the truck completely forgetting to grab the snacks Ryan and Colby coming out shortly with the beer seeing the puppies Colby got in to love one Ryan going back in to get food and stuff for them

*back at the ranch*
Ryan Colby and Josie grabbed the puppies and a couple bags carrying them to the bunk house leaving walker to get the rest once they got there noticing John,rip and the wranglers playing poker Josie got happy holding bear up like Simba making everyone laugh John and rip smiling to see how happy Josie is knowing her history they let the puppies go Bear and Leo immediately going to bite Ollies ears till walker came in and took his boots off and they stared biting his toes making everyone laugh him trying to get away them chasing him everywhere he went making everyone laugh harder

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