Morning meeting

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Todays a free day John said Josie family meeting he said poking his head into the bathroom to see her hanging on to Walker like a kola hi sir she's asleep Walker said turning around to see the sleeping Josie what how the hell john said confused idk sir and if you try to pry her off she latches on tighter he said laughing alright just bring her up to the house John said yes sir Walker responded finishing up his hair omg your not going to the middle school dance go Colby said laughing Josie hey you gonna switch to real close or stay in your pjs Walker asked pjs she responded Walker tossing on his boots and heading to the house ok we're here sir Walker said walking into the dinning room go ahead and have a seat John said Josie now awake sitting in her own chair thanks for having me sir Walker said o lord drop the sir please it's to early in the morning all I hear is sir Josie said obliviously just waking up making everyone laugh morning s rip started stopping when he seen Josie holding her butter knife at him making everyone die of laughter besides Josie why are we having a family meeting you know Beth said ok imma lay it out I haven't slept with anybody in a month and a half my periods have been regular the last person I slept with did not knock me up I checked so that leaves one option oh good god John cringed at how blunt she was was the last person you slept with on the ranch Lee asked her whispering Kaycee curiously tuning into the conversation yes Josie whispered back eating omg does he work here Kaycee whisper yelled nope not telling you you already had your hint for today Josie laughed it's Walker Monica said how did you know Josie said he's the one at the table and you were literally attached to him Monica said laughing we aren't together so don't say anything Josie said getting embarrassed Walker grabbing her hand under the table and holding it making her get butterflies and blush *clink* op dropped my fork Kaycee said leaning down to grab it Kaycee pointing at them shut up Kaycee Walker joked throwing a pice of egg at him making everyone on the far half of the table laugh what's so funny down there John asked oh nothing I choked of water Josie said making them laugh harder John just going back to talking with Beth about work stuff so when are you guys going on a date Lee asked like a school girl gossiping at the lunch table I'm texting Lloyd Ryan and Colby Lloyd well help keep dad and rip distracted Colby can keep Lee busy and Ryan will but into any conversation Josie said laughing no need we're here Lloyd said walking in unnoticed to John all three joining conversations or making some finally peace Josie said laughing I thought I'd be so happy to see those idiots Walker joked him and Josie now done with breakfast decided to sneak out where we going skinny dipping Josie running towards the river grabbing blankets outta her bed first

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