part 25

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Omg it's two kittens and a momma kitty with two twin humans Jimmy said son of a bitch rip said just looking at the ground were keeping them Josie said smiling like the cheshire cat going at picking them up Cohen come help they need cleaned up Josie said looking for clothes and stuff to change the babies into someone go grab a bag so we can pack them clothes Josie ordered grabbing clothes and taking the babies to the attached bathroom to give them a bath with the soap she found Cohen going to help she's keeping the babies and the kittens I hope you know Lloyd smiled at rip yeah i know to Rip said with his eyes closed shaking his head okay where good too go Josie said her and Cohen carrying the babies down too the car 30 minutes later ok the kitties are loaded too there gonna ride with walker and Colby Kaycee said okay mines strapped in cohen said good mine too Jo said good lets go you two Kaycee said aww Carter and tates already asleep Josie said getting in and kissing there heads dibs on window Josie said sitting down Cohen being stuck in the middle everyone ready Kaycee asked starting the car 🎶on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway we're the best of friends insisting that the world keep turin our way and our way🎶 everyone jamming out besides Carter, Tate and Monica who was asleep did you bring movies too put in the DVD player Jo asked Monica did i think Kaycee responded wanna snuggle Josie asked cohen already scooting into him sure Cohen said snuggling her already half asleep im sleepy Jared stated so take a nap Josie and Ryan responded it is three thirty seven in the morning and we got a twelve hour drive ahead of us Kaycee stayed looking at the clock ROAD TRIP!!! Ryan and Jo squealed happily can you turn air on it's really hot Jo stayed fanning herself it's like a sauna In this fricking car hey at least were not Popsicles Ryan laughed I want a Popsicle Josie said pouting you just had a whole tub of ice cream Jared said laughing and you just had a whole thing of macaroni and cheese but you had a sandwich and chips and we didn't judge you Josie remarked yeah and I don't have endometriosis Jared snapped back ah you bitch Josie acting offended by his remark then laughing everyone else laughing too

Yellowstone story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora