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Hey father remember when neither of us knew how to go about talking to each other at first after I got out of my three year stay at my luxury four seasoned gated and heavily guarded hotel Josie said laughing on the couch Walker laughing too yeah Josie I do I didn't wanna step on your toes when you first came back and didnt know if you wanted to let the others know you were and are the bosses daughter John responded so why did you just call him dad one day and roll with it Walker said confused sitting with Josie of the couch drinking root beer hey no o wait it's root beer Lee said giving Josie her pop back after taking it I'm stealing popcorn Lee and Kaycee said taking some alright im tired everyone who's not gonna babysit us out Josie ordered pointing at the door making them laugh I'll stay cohen said hey kiddo how's the babies Josie asked looking at cohen as he fixed more snacks there good Lee Kaycee Monica and Jared's been taking care of them as well cohen said aw I've never seen Lee hold a baby you have to take a picture Josie said nap time Josie said snuggling into Walker who's already laying on the couch imma kill take a nap I. The guest room scream if you need me cohen said ok night walker and Josie said waving as he left the room sweet dreams darling walker said kissing Josie's head here's the kittens rip said accidentally wake Josie up aw yay Josie said snuggling into Walker more some how thanks for being so amazing Josie said kissing Walker and laying back down hey Josie we need you dad said not to come and get you but you know the babies better then the rest of us Kaycee said as he charged in alright what's going on Josie said getting up idk really he's just acting weird ok we're coming up and at em Walker Josie said already grabbing her crutches alright fine I'm coming walker said laughing but getting up and grabbing his crutches cohen you coming Josie asked know the kittens are cuddling and I gotta go check on the babies cohen screamed back I'm not putting on pants Josie said walking out of the house crutches in toe omg you guys expect me to walk Josie said looking mad no just he does Lee said rolling up like the dukes of hazard in Josie's golf cart walkers coming and there's on two seats so scram Josie said laughing at how sad Lee looked you have your own golf cart cohen said coming out of the cabin no me and bath have to share but she always says I'm not getting on the fucking thing Kaycee Lee and Josie said at the same time making everybody laugh my legs fucking killing me josie said after this I need to got to the actual doctor or hospital to get a boot or something Josie said laughing at the ace bandage they were using Walker laughing harder bc there was only one and pressure bandage was on his alright see you in a minute Josie said heading to the race you bitch Lee said o your on Kaycee said running off cheater Lee yelled chasing after him

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