Part 21

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Did you make a call to the ranch kiddos Josie asked as they were cuddling in the blind with blankets as Jared built a fire luckily the mystery man had fire wood none of them wanting to be in the house hey can I come in there sure kido Josie said lifting her arm so cohen could cuddle in too with his blanket Tate being at her other side and Carter snuggled up in her lap both asleep are you ok hunny Josie said cuddling with cohen yea as well as you can be sense we were kidnapped cohen said dozing off night kidos Josie said kissing there heads making Jared smile YES! Jared cheered finally getting the fire started both him and Josie laughing at his reaction they fell asleep quick Jared said looking at them smiling I know it's adorable Josie said smiling lovingly at the boys thanks for not treating him any differently Jared said nodding towards cohen I could never he's just like them Josie said looking at the kiddos fast asleep are you hungry I can go see what food I can scrounge up sure also grab that vodka a seen him drink do you want me to make you a milkshake as well Jared joked them both laughing vodka is good in a milkshake Josie said smirking making Jared laugh ok I'll be back here's this in case you need it Jared said handing Josie the pistol just in case she needed it thanks I'll shoot a squirrel if it gets to close Josie joked them both laughing be back in a minute Jared said going to the house fully stocked kitchen Jared said looking through every cabinet deciding to make Mac and cheese and bring sodas out with the vodka Josie requested Josie do you want a glass Jared yelled out to Josie No I'll just drink from the bottle Josie yelled back ooo ice cream Jared said grabbing spoons and the macaroni he just made here you go Jared said to Josie handing her the vodka go get a first aid kit Josie said shooing Jared back into the house got one let's fix that leg I didn't see scissors so we're gonna have to just rip you jeans ok Josie said drinking vodka Jared walking over and ripping the leg of Josie's pants where she was shot ooo Jesus h Christ Josie said after pouring vodka on her wound

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