Story time

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(Im changing it Jo did 4.5 years in prison)
Hey you good Lloyd hollered up at the girl seeing her almost steam like a kettle she was so mad YES LLYOD IM FINE Jo yelled back still clearly mad before walk to her horse that Ryan was petting hey Ryan said not looking from the horse he told you about my story didn't he Jo said looking down neither disappointed or ashamed  about what she did yeah he did Ryan said look sad at the girl welp best I give you the full story meet me in the bunk house with the boys ok Ryan said

*time skip*
(In the buck house)
Ok I'm not repeating myself and I ain't taking any questions but here's the full story me and Oscar my ex dated for 2 years me and him had a date but I couldn't get ahold of him so I went to check on him he lived alone and I knew where the spare key was so I invited myself in went to see where he was found him in the shower with Angela aka my best friend at the time got so mad I took the back of the toilet off and just started hitting him with it hit her once to with it fractured his skull and pierced his lung he was dead in a second Angela had done limped out of the bathroom I told her if she said anything I'd kill her next went on the run hid for 6 months no one could find got arrested for j-walking was hauled 4 hours back to Montana where I was charged with murder of course john tried to get me outta it but I didn't let him I did the crime I deserved to do the time got put away for 3 years
Got into a fight with three men guards not sure if I killed then or just wounded them got another year and half for it then was deemed to dangerous for the women's prison after several fights got put in a men's prison made some friends in there probably more enemies tho after my time was up I was back to the Yellowstone Jo told the guys them all shocked and we're glad to have you back darlin Lloyd said patting the girl on the shoulder alright who's cooking dinner I'm hungry Jo and colby said I'll do macaroni Josie said hopping up I'll do hamburgers Ethen said hopping up I'll make tater rounds Ryan said and I'll do mashed potatoes colby said Jesus we how much food are you guys gonna cook are we feeding bears Lloyd said laughing hey rip showed up guess we are Josie said making everyone laugh especially rip shit head rip said laughing and giving Jo a noogie

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