Good food and stolen bafoons 😂

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Kaycee just started laughing let's get home I need a nap Josie said laughing Kaycee already pulling out of the parking spot hey kaycee get your shit together we gotta move cattle I'd tell you Jo but I can tell your going to take a nap rip said Josie laughing you know it who else is gonna be here just you in the kids ryan said butting in alright night everyone have the kids come dow. Soon so I can keep a eye on them tho Josie said going into the bunkhouse alright let's go boys Lloyd said running his horse to the other wranglers who were slowly headed up the mountain the other three men joining race you Kaycee said too his dad your on boy John said chasing after Kaycee
* 30 minutes later *
Hey kiddos Josie said making food shut up or we'll kill you one of the intruders said Game on mother fuck Josie said smirking before hitting the man upside the head with a empty frying pan the other two coming at her slitting one's throat idiot you never run straight at someone like your gonna hug them Josie said embarrassed for him the last one spraying her with something knocking her out hey who else is in here Josie is that you Josie heard slipping in and out of concussions yeah it is Josie said to the best of her ability shit Josie it's Carter and Tate Josie heard nice to see you guys here long time no see Josie said laughing WE ARE BEING KIDNAPPED STOLEN SMUGGLED WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL IT Tate whisper yelled clearly freaking out we'll be fine Josie said still laughing oh she is higher then a kite Cater said laughing at Josie enough talking the kidnapper yelled making Josie laugh harder for some reason stop laughing do you wanna die the kidnapper said angry well it sure would speed up the process Josie said getting mad now no she doesn't Tate said back she just has a attitude cater responded

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