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Josie woke up to howling right by her face and rip stomping in "Get the fuck up its 7 in the morning" rip yelled at the wranglers all of them surprised they slept that long everyone deciding to get up and get ready besides Josie who rolled over and hid under the blankets with the puppies "why isn't she getting up" Ryan asked "because if SHE gets up SHE'S going to pick violence" Josie retorted from under the blanks making everyone laugh besides Fred who looked scared for his life rip and Lloyd waving people out of the bunk house walker leaned Dow kissing Josie on the forehead and grabbing his hat and heading to the barn Josie getting up and deciding to get ready for the day and head to the barn saddling up Apollo and heading out of the barn *VIOLENCE*
seeing Fred and jimmy arguing then Fred throw a punch and hitting jimmy in the face knocking him to the ground kicking him in the stomach "woah okay that enough your gonna kill him" Josie said picking jimmy up and helping him stand "yeah and if I don't what are you gonna do bitch" Fred said laughing to himself as a pissed off rip and walker raced over "hey watch who the fuck your talking to" Kayce said storming over by Josies side "o sorry I didn't know she needed guard dogs" Fred snarked pissing Josie her punch him in the nose when he looked away and continued to beat the shit out of him till he was damn near dead "I don't need a guard dog but there a lot nicer than I am" Josie said to a barely conscious Fred all the wranglers shocked that she'd actually/could actually beat someone half to death her look for Apollo forgetting he was even there she found him rolling around in the mud without his Saddle him some how always finding away to get out of it making her laugh grabbing his saddle she hollered for him to fallow her to the barn him immediately getting up and running to catch up with her making her laugh more getting Apollo into the stall and set up she went to the buck house to get her knuckles cleaned up walker already being there with the first aid kit "welp guess you got the violence but you didn't pick it" walker said smiling at her making her laugh Josie sitting down at the table to let walker doctor her knuckles Leo bear Ollie running over once they noticed them at the table bear bitting walkers leg "ow son of a bitch why do you hate me" walker said putting his legs on the other free chair  making him and Josie laugh

*group chat*
Kayce: You alive Josie you didn't bleed to death right
Jo:yes shit head it's not like I cut my hand off
Jamie,Beth,and john:what the hell happened
Jo:long story
Lloyd:I still don't know how to work this fucking thing
Rip:stop texting and get back to work Josie you can rest you only dick around when we're trying to move cattle walker you aggravate my soul so I don't care what you do
Jimmy:wait so she gets bruised knuckles and gets to rest but I get the shit beat outta me and I have to clean stalls
Everyone:shut up jimmy🙄
Ryan:you decided to do the talking that got your ass whooped
Jo:if you don't want the time don't do the crime
Kayce: jo you watch to much tv😂

Author note
Sorry I haven't posted I've been busy and not felt great but thanks for reading

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