Episode 4 - Good copy, Bad copy

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In a dark night a group of Forever Knights were running terrified into their castle. They sealed the entrance but their efforts were useless as they saw how Humungousaur destroyed it, starting to slam knights all over the place until she threw one and started threatening him.

Humungousaur: Answer me! Where is she!.

Forever Knight: Why are you asking me about something you already know? Is this a deranged test

Humungousaur: I'm testing your will to live. Now for the last time.

A pink flash appeared and the knight just saw how Gwen just destransformed to human.

Gwen: Where is Gwen Tennyson?.

At the moment when this was happening Ben was tracking Gwen inside Jonesy's car.

Ben: I'm so sorry to have to interrupt your date to get involved in this situation, it's just that without Gwen with me, Kevin doesn't have a reason to get me in his car.

Jonesy: Ben, after all the crazy things we lived as kids doing this Favor is nothing.

Julie: We are willing to help you in whatever you need. Could you track her?.

Ben: Something about this feels weird, but. I feel something, TO THE LEFT!.

Jonesy drifted to the left and they stopped when they saw the forever's knights castle burned down and Jetray flying above it.

Julie: What happened here?.

Jonesy: Do you think Gwen caused anything of this?.

Ben: Hey, GWEN, Can we talk about this?.

Jetray just flies through as if no one was seeing here. Trying to find anything in the place they found a knight with a broken helmet.

Forever Knight: Gwen 10 is a dement beast.

Julie: What did you do? If Gwen caused this you must have done something.

Forever Knight: Nothing, I swear on Sir George's honour, she just appeared here and began to destroy our castles in a ruthless way, in a few days she has already destroyed three.

Jonesy: That's impossible, Gwen would not do anything like that.

Forever Knight: They say at court that the cursed Gwen has even attacked a hive of DNAliens.

Ben: Whatever that hit him must have done it so hard that it made you hallucinate.

Jonesy: But would she be hiding from us?.

They decided to head to Gwen's home to see her and try to talk to her.

Ben: Thank you very much for bringing me but I'm going to go see her by myself, I don't want to involve you too much in all this and also I don't think Aunt Natalie will let you in.

Jonesy: It's okay Ben, give us a call if you need us for anything, at this point there's nothing like too much for us to handle.

Julie: Especially for you, I'm sure you could beat anyone that got in our way.

They kissed before parting away.

Ben: They're such love birds.

Ben was walking to the house and thinking what to say to her aunt.

Ben: Hi Aunt Natalie, I came to see Gwen for physics tutoring.

Natalie: Physics tutoring. Since when have you been doing this?.

Ben: The nights when we go out we have been doing it, it's just that today I told her that I didn't have time on another day so we should do it in her house. Sorry to not tell you before.

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