Episode 5 - All That Glitters

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It was a dark night, screaming could be heard as a woman in a school uniform was running and screaming as she went. She was slamming her fists against a door, she was asking to be let into a massive mansion, the only building in the vicinity. She continued to slam on the doors of the mansion as something crept up behind her. However, as she turned around there was a glow of some kind of bright light that caused the camera to fade out to a random street. The girl was now walking down the streets. However, as she got closer to the camera people could be heard running in the background. As her face came into view, we're shown that her skin looked faded, and it had gone to the point where the bones of the girl were visible on every part from her arms to her face. Even her hair had gone dimmer than the jet black it had been in the previous shot, she had been drained, and as the camera fades, it gets a close-up of her arm, and a visible mark is shown. The camera then cuts to the main trio, Ben sitting inside the car, tapping on the dashboard as he waits for Gwen and Kevin to come out of the store. As they did, Gwen had a slushy in her hands, Kevin had a small bag and the pair got into the car.

Kevin: got everything we need for this.

Gwen: Are you sure we should be doing this on a school night?

Ben: we're trying to look for more of these plumber's badges. We're going to be up all night. You heard Grandpa in that holo message, we need a team. And since Alan couldn't come along, we're checking others out.

Kevin: I still think this is a bad idea. Who knows if those badges even belong to actual plumbers anymore?

Ben: no risk, no reward right tough guy?

Kevin took a bite of some chocolate.

Kevin: I mean you're right, but don't you think we're rushing this just a little?

Gwen: Kevin may have a point.

Ben: Just start driving.

Kevin rolled his eyes as he released the handbrake, and he began backing up. We cut to the group on the road, the car empties as only Gwen's slurping of the slushy could be heard. Ben looked at Kevin's plumbers' badge, where he noticed one of them was on the move.

Ben: bank a right.

Kevin immediately swerved onto the highway, barely making it onto the upper road.

Ben: There's a badge heading this way.

Kevin: a little heads-up next time. You almost made us crash. And I can't keep affording the repairs now that I'm out of the criminal stuff.

Ben: You'll find some kind of job. Now keep going.

As they continued driving, we cut to another girl in the same school uniform that the first girl was walking down the pathway of the highway, clearly drained and tired, she was barely able to move and yet she found herself walking onto the road. As she did so a massive truck had to swerve out of the way to make sure it didn't hit her, however in doing so it slammed itself into the supporting pole of the highway above, causing the highway to become unstable. The trio happened to be riding on the highway at the time, and the three left the Car to take a look at what was going on. Looking down they understood that they had to jump in and do something.

Ben: I'll get the people down, Gwen go humungousaur and hold up the bridge. Kevin the Driver of that truck is out cold, get him.

Kevin nodded as he absorbed the metal from his truck and he leapt down, the metal coating on his skin managing to protect him as he leapt down. Ben looked over at Gwen and he extended an arm, throwing it out as if he was trying to hit Gwen from a distance.

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