Episode 6 - Be Knighted

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We begin outside of a massive castle on a hillside. The moonlight illuminated the area. Inside of the castle were hundreds of people, all wearing knight armor with a logo plastered on the chest area. An infinity symbol with a sword being slashed right through it. The king inside begins talking.

Patrick: the forever knights have existed for a thousand years. For the longest time we were driven by the fear of the alien. However, for the past few years we've been rebuilding and returning to our original goal. The goal passed down for generations. DESTROYING THE DRAGON!

He raised his fist and many of the other knights followed suit. Raising their arms and cheering as one of them walked down the red carpet in front of king Patrick. The king was wearing a version of the armor that had a red cape flowing out of his back. Red felt covering the top half of his armor. The knight walking on the red carpet's distinguishing feature was his missing helmet, his eye patch and a red cape on his back.

Patrick lowered his hands and the knights immediately stopped as the knight walking the red carpet knelt down.

Patrick: Are you ready Connor?

The knight looked up.

Connor: I am.

Patrick: Throughout our history we have created many powerful weapons. weather from earth other beyond, None of them having been able to kill the dragon.

A giant orange blaster was brought over, its core resting in the handle of the blaster, pulsating with a glowing red energy that was creating visible light both in the handle and from the barrel of the nozzle. It was half as tall as Connor was and the knight holding it knelt down and handed it off to Connor who was holding it with one arm.

Patrick: You're the bravest of us all Connor, you've earned the right to wield this.

Connor held the blaster up high as his helmet was placed over his head. We cut to forever knights pulling up a massive concrete door, using chains to hold it up as Connor walked through it. The blaster's red light managed to light up the completely devoid of light stairwell he was walking. It spiralled around as he walked down the stairs, coming to the bottom he had to use the light of the blaster to try and find his target. However, what he found instead was chains all across the floor. Looking up he found glowing red eyes in the darkness. The dragon was free. He tried to blast it, having to roll out of the way of its blast of fire. His helmet rolled off and the dragon stepped on it. The helmet crushed under the weight of the mad dragon as it expanded its wings and blasted the wall, over and over again. It ignored the blasts coming from Connor and it escaped through the hole it made. Flying out of it, leaving Connor to watch it fly off. Cut to Gwen's school with Ben and Gwen in the gym. Gwen attacks a punching bag with her karate with Ben holding it. Gwen in her karate gear.

Ben: So, remind me why we're doing this when you have the watch on your wrist.

Gwen: Look, it's a part of my biology again but it can still be taken off. Heck I still remember the code Azmuth used to take it off last time. Or what if it breaks on me again and won't let me transform.

Ben: never really thought about that. My powers literally can't be ripped out of me.

Gwen: What about Michael?

Ben: special exception.

Gwen just gave him a smug look as she kicked the punching bag. She hit it hard enough to send him flying backwards, his hoverboard flying out and falling under him for him to land on.

Ben: good hit doofas.

Suddenly there's a loud sound as the gym doors flew open, Kevin walking in. his shoes squeaking on the gym floor.

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