Episode 8 - Max Out

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Our episode begins outside of a coffee shop. An old man wearing a trench coat and fedora. The rain dripped off of his coat and hat as he just stood outside of the coffee shop for a moment, waiting for the truck to drive past him before he headed inside. In the doorway he shook the rain off of his hat and coat, as he took off his head his grey hair was now visible. He sat down at a table, and he grabbed onto a menu. A waitress walked over to him.

Waitress: want to hear about the special?

Max: I'm fine, can I just get some coffee?

The waitress walked off. Leaving Max to look at the menu.

Waitress: don't get many strangers around here. What brings you to Santa Mira?

Max: It's fishing season and this place has good weather.

The waitress let out a small laugh that ended in a snort and she returned after a moment with a silver platter and a lid covering the food underneath.

Max: I didn't order any food.

Waitress: it's on the house.

She lifted the lid and a small creature leaped out. The creature had 6 tentacles and a giant green eye in the middle of its face. It had a small mouth and the same kind of exposed brain as the DNAliens. Its skin was smooth and slimy, shining in the light. It was a Xenocite. It attempted to reach out and attach itself to Max, Max managed to backhand it and crush it under the silver platter. The waitress attempted to grab onto him, but Max managed to flip the waitress over and he reached down for her face, and he ripped it off, revealing the waitress to be a DNAlien. He looked around at the two unconscious creatures and he grabbed his hat putting it back on.

Max: I said, just coffee.

After the intro plays, we cut to inside of Kevin's garage, different tools all across the floor with Ben standing talking to Kevin.

Kevin: uh, no. I'm kinda busy here.

Ben: But he's, my cousin. He was supposed to be back on vacation 2 days ago.

Kevin: And you want me wasting my time driving my car to look for your cousin?

Ben: Look, I know how it sounds, the police told us to wait, and I'd go look for myself, but my board has been busted since somebody tried to upgrade it.

Kevin: And I'm working on it ok? You're just going to have to wait. He graduated college like what a year ago? He's probably still riding the high of managing to make it.

Ben: No, he called from the side of the road. He said he got stuck in some town called Santa Mira.

Footsteps can be heard as somebody was walking towards the garage.

Ben: And we haven't heard anything since. His folks are worried.

Kevin: And I'm supposed to care why?

Gwen walked into the garage, the omnitrix's soft pink glow lighting up part of the wall she was next to.

Gwen: because he's, my brother.

Kevin immediately rolled out from under the car, and he started wiping the oil off of himself.

Kevin: Get in.

Gwen smiled as she looked over at Ben who just stood having a confused look on his face. Then he remembered who had just told Kevin that fact and he got into the car. Gwen following closely as the car drives off. We then cut on over to the car on the road, heavy rain pelting down on the car.

Gwen: You're really sweet to do this Kevin. Ken is...

Ken let out a small chuckle.

Kevin: What?! Ken? Your brother's name is Ken? Gwen and Ken Tennyson? What's your folks' names? Sven and Jen? I'm talking to you, Ben.

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