Episode 2 - Darkstar Rising.

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Kevin's car turned through the streets of a much quieter Bellwood. Turning upon a warehouse, they clambered out the car.

Kevin: So...you sure this is the place?

Ben: Hey, the tip said.

Kevin: The tips are my thing. You don't know any tips, you don't have connections.

Ben: I've had a whole 5 years, and you really don't think so?

Kevin: Name one.

Ben: Gwen.

Gwen put her hand up.

Gwen: Yeh, that's me, we're connected, he sure knows me.

She smiled with snark at Kevin. Ben created mana steps with a motion of his hands and the three walked onto the roof and stared down the top window. Forever Knights walked back and forth, crates being lifted and a funny sight, some of them holding clipboards and writing notes.

Ben: Hmm...what do you think they're shipping?

Gwen: I don't know, but Kevin better not have his mouth start watering when we find out.

Kevin: Did I do something to you?

Gwen shrugged and activated the Omnitrix, scrolling through till she found Chromastone, she smacked down on the Omnitrix and in the pink flash of light, found herself standing taller, and jumped in, breaking through the skylight to land down in the middle. Kevin landed beside wrapped in stone armour and Ben used mana to break his fall.

Gwen: Stop right now! Nobody move.

The Forever Knights continued doing what they had been doing.

Gwen: Uhh...n-nobody move?

Ben's eyes widened.

Ben: Oh, I've seen these before. They're holograms.

He dipped his hand into a passing knight, the image distorted and faded before coming back and the knight continued walking.

Ben: We've been baited.

Kevin: So, you're leaving the tips to me?

Ben: As long as you leave the alien transformations to Gwen.

Kevin: Cheap...

The hologram all together shut down. A green figure in a plumbers suit walked out.

Plumber: Magister Gihlil of the plumbers. Magister Prior Gihlil. Commanding sector of this entire quadrant. You all shall face trial for impersonating officers of the law.

He held his badge up. Gwen's eyes widened and she turned back to normal.

Ben: I'm authorised to be doing this, I've been doing this for a long time. And even if they're not, they've been granted specific permission from another plumber.

Gwen: Yeh, Labrid.

Magister Gihlil leaned down to Ben and squinted his eyes.

Gihlil: Will you be able to prove the permission granted? If I come in contact with the plumber, they'll be able to confirm?

Ben: No...he's gone sir.

Gihlil: I see. It's still an interstellar felony.

Kevin: Sounds bad.

Gihlil: If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut. Anything you say can and wi-

Kevin: And if I were you, I'd start owing respect to the guy who can kick your can up the street and back before you blink. Not that you do that, with your geckoey, froggy self of course.

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