Episode 10 - girl trouble

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We start our episode by seeing various DNAliens flying into the air, before the trio came into shot. Ben, holding his proto tool out, blasting various DNAliens as he ran, Kevin having his body covered in metal, ramming through a line of them, meanwhile Gwen was flying high above as big chill. She dipped down and caught herself on the ground. She changed to be intangible and all of the DNAlien's bullets flew right through her.

Gwen: why don't you guys, chill out?

She took a large deep breath in and let it out, her chest puffing up and she let her frost breath out, a stream of freezing cold air freezing the DNAliens that stood in her path. She returned to the other two and became tangible before grabbing them, and turning back intangible, making all three of them intangible.

Gwen: looks like your tip was right.

Kevin: as usual.

Ben: lets focus on finding the Highbreed here. We take down the Highbreed, the DNAliens have no orders and become easier to fight.

The lasers continued to shoot into them. Flying right through them before hitting the ceiling, pieces of rubble falling down and hitting the DNAliens, nocking some of them to the floor, unconscious.

Ben: we've got this covered, you just go ghost and find that Highbreed.

Gwen: right.

She placed them back down and returned them to tangibility, the pair continuing to fire at the waves of DNAliens. This was definitely a nest, and as Gwen flew past the windows, two weather machines could be spotted, looming far into the distance, a constant snow fall happening outside of the building. At this point whether or not the frosted breath coming from big chill, or from the weather towers. She landed down and saw a massive room, a Highbreed had clearly spotted her, and she phased into the room. The Highbreed tried to shoot at her, and she just took a deep breath, and she froze the Highbreed, before layering on more and more ice. She looked down to hear the sound of the omnitrix timing out. She phased back through the floor and found a spot to hide behind some metal crates. It didn't take long before she heard the heavy footsteps of the Highbreed looking for her. She could hear him ripping up crates as he looked around. She looked back down at the omnitrix to see that she was in the red. However, she then heard the sounds of Kevin slamming into the Highbreed, managing to trip it over, it falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Kevin: come on you big freak.

The Highbreed picked himself back up and swung for Kevin, a pink of flash visible as the metal crates went flying into the air, with Kevin digging his hands into the concrete floor. From behind the metal crates emerged lodestar. She held her arms out and she threw all the grates at the Highbreed.

Kevin: wanna tone it down?

Gwen looked down at Kevin and back at the Highbreed.

Gwen: do you trust me?

Kevin: mostly. Why?

Gwen pulled Kevin in close to her.

Gwen: I'm going to fling you at him.

Kevin: wait, what?

The Highbreed got back up and he watched what they did. Gwen threw Kevin at the Highbreed, before giving him more magnetic repulsion from her. He sped up fast, and he rotated himself in mid-air to drop kick the Highbreed, sending him crashing the to the ground. Ben ran over with an army of DNAliens following closely behind him.

Ben: we need those towers down, and fast.

Gwen: I'm on it.

She ran outside, the rain hitting her metallic body and she looked over at the towers. The magnetic waves started flowing from her arms, upon coming into contact with the towers, her body was pushed back slightly, digging into the messy mix of snow and mud. She dug her feet into the ground and increased the repulsion of her magnetic waves and the towers started to come up from the ground. The wiring connecting it into the ground started snapping and breaking. And with a mighty thud it had failed, but so had Gwen, falling to the ground. As she fell, she timed out Kevin and ben running outside, ben having formed a mana wall behind them, with Kevin grabbing Gwen off of the ground before getting into his car, putting Gwen in the back and strapping her in, as ben got in shot gun. Kevin slammed on the gas, the trio speeding out of there.

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