Episode 4 - Everybody Talks about the Weather

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We begin on a bright day, the sun was out and beaming down onto the field of crops lay before the camera. A quick cut then happens to where we see a dog, as malnourished as possible, trying to drink from a drying-up water bowl. The tap above it slowly dripped in more and more water, although it wasn't at a pace fast enough to replenish what the dog was drinking away. We then see a farmer hard at work. Wiping away the sweat on his head. However, as he looked out he saw something in the heat ripples. Something he thought he was hallucinating until it flew right past him. A man, one made of magma and rocks flying like a comet. Its flight pattern is clearly uneasy and non-existent. It bounced off the ground, somehow the flames were igniting a single corn in the cornfield. As the commit pulled up the camera revealed a small squad of cops chasing after it.

Mason: suspect is heading due west.

The sheriff was talking into his walkie-talkie

Other officer: copy that.

Mason: Do you have that truck ready?

Other cop: it'll be ready before he gets here sheriff.

The sheriff and his partner got into a police car and they drove off. Chasing after the comet. The comet continued to fly upwards and downwards, hugging corners hard, and bouncing off of the ground as it was trying to keep some level of elevation. The police car chasing after it was dragging up the dirt and grass as it chased after the comet. As the comet comes into view we can see a person inside of it. A boy covered in magma and rocks. A Pyronite kid, who then immediately crashed into a scarecrow. As he collided with the scarecrow he started to bounce on the ground before coming to a stop. As he picked himself up he started to rub his head.

Alan: Ugh, I'm the worst flier ever.

Mason: FREEZE!!

Alan turned around and tried to get back up.

Alan: I don't want to hurt you guys.

Mason: Lucky us.

He took his attention off of Alan as he saw the fire truck had rolled up.

Mason: Fire!

Water was immediately blasted at the young half-Pyronite. As he was doused with water he tried to pick himself up. He was then hit by a car that sent him flying into a building before his Magma and Rocks returned to that of his Human skin. And upon doing so, he passed out. The camera fades out and fades back with the characters inside of an industrial-strength freezer. Inside was a single light lighting up the area. Sherif Mason was interrogating Alan.

Mason: you're going to talk Alan.

Alan: not if you freeze my mouth shut.

Mason: better it shut than burning things down. After all this week there's been a series of fires all over Grover's mill.

Alan: I didn't burn anything.

He held himself tight, trying to fight off the cold, shivering and shaking. However, he held tight to his story.

Mason: Right, got any evidence for that?

Alan: What evidence am I meant to give? What was I meant to be tracking my own steps to make sure when cops come and kidnap me and throw me in a freezer?

Mason: You turn into fire, things have been burning down, and only after you started to burn. This isn't a coincidence. And if you don't have any evidence otherwise, we are going to act on what we have.

As Alan slouched back into his chair, he set off something from his back pocket. A bright red light started being visible.

Mason: What are you sitting on there Alan?

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