Episode 12 - Plumbers Helpers

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Night, a dark factory.

A balding man sprinted down the outside, panting and sweating. He pulls out a laser pistol and fires into the darkness in a frantic move for his life.

As he whipped off an I.D mask. Revealing the standard D.N.Alien before dodging a blue flash of light that hit a wall and left a smoking spot.

The D.N.Alien kept on running, feet splashing in oil while small, tapping footsteps could be heard. It rounded a corner but saw a van up ahead. Behind the van, two energy-born limbs came our and held him. And the back of the van opened to reveal a red, swirling circle of light that sucked it in as it screamed.

???: Another one bites the dust!

???: You really need to quiet down. If this one was out, any other could be.

???: So? We'd just do the same to the next, and the next.

???: You know it doesn't just work like that. They can overpower us. Or maybe...I don't know. Just stop being so loud.

???: All right, geez.

From the front of a car, was a Kinecelerean wearing a green vest and blue humanoid hands. A tetramand with a green vest also.

As the two hopped into the car and it drove off, the tetramand turned to the silent Kineceleran.

???: Helen, what's wrong?

Helen: I just...I wish Pierce was here. I miss him, Manny.

Manny: Yeh, so do I.

Manny, the tetramand spoke up as their car drove under the headlights.

Manny: Look, your brother and I...

Helen: Used to argue before, during and after every mission?

Manny: Yeh, but now that he's gone...

Helen turned away, mentally wincing.

Manny: Helen.

Helen: What?

Manny: I'm just trying to do what he wanted.

Helen sucked in a shaky breath, and looked back.

Helen: Thanks.

A GPS opened up on the Vans Dashboard.

Helen: Three alien signals, think its some of them.

Manny: When is it not?

He cracked a smile and his fingers gripped the wheel tighter, he stepped on the gas and the van shot forward.

Helen: Manny

Manny: Helen?

Helen: It's back at the sewer plant?

The van hastily turned.

Manny: I knew that.

Helen smiled despite herself.

As the vans engine died down and they got out, Manny threw up a scanner and held it in the air

Manny: Looks a bit buggy, the signals close but it's still not locking on.

Through the scanner, 3 figures could be seen.

Kevin: Whoo, hoo. Check this out.

Gwen: Kevin, put it down.

Kevin: Finders keepers, stealers dealers.

Kevin threw it in the air and caught it a couple times, it was the laser rifle.

Kevin: Could make a quick ol' buck before saying good night.

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