10. The Bond

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The following day, Miyu-ra and Mit-ka met in secret near a secluded lake nestled deep within the forest. Saet-sa, decided to give them some space, had been discreetly following their movements from a distance, his keen eyes trained on their every interaction.

Beside carrying the title of The Sacred Musician, Mit-ka is a very skilled soldier, one of the highest rank officers in the kingdom, just like Saet-sa. He has his own elite troops, a special group of soldiers who are not only highly skilled in combat, but also in playing music. One of the inventions that Mit-ka uses in combat is his special device to move from tree to tree. Moving just like a flying fox, he is able to navigate the forest faster than horses. As Mit-ka caught sight of Miyu-ra, immediately he recognised her, despite her disguise as a boy, proving how close their relationship is. A warm smile lit up his features, his arms outstretched in greeting.

But Miyu-ra recoiled from his embrace, a flicker of apprehension crossing her face as she held him at arm's length. "Stop it, Mit-ka," she said sharply. Undeterred, Mit-ka persisted, his tone playful yet tinged with genuine affection. "Why? I miss you, Miyu-ra. You are my fiance, after all." Miyu-ra's gaze hardened, "We both know that's not real," she replied firmly. However, looking directly into Mit-ka's eyes, she sensed hurt, and genuine care, so she relented, hugging him back, burying her face in his chest, she wanted to cry but still holding back.

Several seconds later she tries to let go of the embrace, but Mit-ka is not letting go. "No, give me a while, Miyu. I miss you so much. You left me. I am sorry that I hurt you, I am really sorry. I think a lot about your words, I try to understand. Give me another chance, will you? Let's work it out together? Don't give up on me?" He felt Miyu-ra clutching him, burying her face, sobbing.

Deep within Mit-ka embrace, she can't hold back any longer. Here is the only person who knows her since childhood. The only family she had. Yet they had hurt each other badly.

As Saet-sa observed the interaction between Miyu-ra and Mit-ka, a tumult of conflicting emotions surged within him. Despite his efforts to maintain a composed exterior, he couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that gnawed at his heart as he witnessed their familiarity.

He admired their deep bond, a connection forged through years of friendship and shared experiences. Yet, intertwined with that admiration was a growing unease, a primal instinct that stirred within him as he grappled with his burgeoning feelings for Miyu-ra. Captivated by her presence, he was drawn to her enigmatic aura and the quiet strength that seemed to radiate from her. Her slender, feminine figure triggered his possessiveness and instinct to protect her.

But mingled with his attraction was apprehension, a wariness born from knowing Miyu-ra belonged to another. He felt relieved and shocked to hear Miyu-ra reveal that she wasn't really engaged to Mit-ka, yet the ease with which Mit-ka enveloped her in a warm embrace highlighted the depth of their connection. It was a stark contrast to the awkwardness that often colored his interactions with Miyu-ra. He knew pursuing his attraction would only lead to heartache, yet the pull of desire tugged at his soul.

Mit-ka guided Miyu-ra to sit at the edge of the lake, as they both tried to calm down from their emotional meeting. Taking a deep breath, she revealed the reason for their clandestine meeting, "Mit-ka, the group of rebels that attacked us several days ago was a lot larger than usual. Something has changed. They will kill "The Sacred Painter", there is a girl that I hired to pretend to become one, she is still with them", her words tinged with urgency and purpose. As she spoke, a sense of foreboding settled over them.

Saet-sa decided it was time to emerge from the shadows, but his presence caused a jarring interruption to their conversation. Instinctively, Mit-ka tensed, his hand moving to a hidden weapon at his side before Miyu-ra intervened, recognizing Saet-sa's familiar form.

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