7. Clashing Wills

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The following morning, as the sounds of movement emanated from outside of the shophouse, Saet-sa stirred from his sleep, his instincts on high alert. The events of the previous night played through his mind like a haunting refrain: the ambush, the desperate escape, and the unexpected aid from Miyu-ra. His body ached from the exertion and his wound, but a deeper, more pressing concern gnawed at him—Miyu-ra.

He turned his head to see Miyu-ra still asleep on the floor beside him. Her disguise, now discarded, revealed her true self, vulnerable yet resilient. Despite their clashes, she had proven to be an invaluable ally, her quick thinking and bravery saving his life. The realisation that they had become partners in this perilous journey struck him with a profound sense of responsibility. He needed her just as much as she needed him, and their survival depended on their ability to trust and support each other.

A whisper of a smile crossed his lips as he gently roused her, his touch light against her shoulder. "Miyu-ra, wake up. It seems the owner has arrived," he murmured, his voice filled with concern. He looked sick, probably from losing a lot of blood, but he was trying to get up and get ready. "Let's get ready to go out. I will knock them out."

Miyu-ra blinked drowsily, her gaze meeting Saet-sa's as she registered his words. "What? Stop trying to solve everything with violence. You are wounded anyway. Let me talk to them," she said, pushing herself up from the floor, her movements fluid and deliberate. She couldn't believe what she heard—knock them out? Unbelievable man!

"Are you sure?" Saet-sa asked.

"Yes!" she murmured softly, her voice tinged with annoyance and determination. "Let me handle this, okay? I'll talk to them. If I fail, you can knock them out." Despite the exhaustion that clouded her mind, she knew she had to act quickly and decisively.

Saet-sa nodded, though a flicker of irritation crossed his face. "Just be quick about it. We don't have all day."

Miyu-ra shot him a look of annoyance. "I know, Commander!"

As she approached the shop owner, Miyu-ra felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her chest. Assuming the role of a young wife, she carefully crafted her words, weaving a tale of desperation and vulnerability. "We encountered robbers on the road," she began, her voice steady but soft, "and we sought refuge here to escape them." Her heart pounded as she offered her bracelet as payment, hoping the gesture would sway the owner. She recounted their fabricated tale of a harrowing encounter with robbers, emphasizing their desperate plight and the necessity of seeking refuge in the shop. With practiced ease, she offered her bracelet as payment for the ointment, weaving a convincing narrative that played to the owner's sympathies.

Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. The necessity of their deception weighed heavily on her, but beneath her calm exterior, fear and doubt churned. She worried about the consequences if their ruse was discovered. She felt a pang of guilt for manipulating the owner's sympathy, but she pushed it aside, knowing that their lives depended on her ability to convince him.

The owner's initial suspicion gradually melted away as Miyu-ra continued to speak, her demeanor sincere and earnest. She could see the shift in his expression, his anger dissipating as he accepted her story and the bracelet. Relief flooded through her, but it was tinged with a lingering unease. As the owner's wife prepared warm drinks and offered food and clothing, Miyu-ra couldn't help but feel the weight of their deception pressing down on her.

Saet-sa watched from a distance, his patience wearing thin. "What's taking so long?" he muttered under his breath.

"Relax, Saet-sa," Miyu-ra said as she returned, her voice barely masking her irritation. "Not everything can be solved with a command."

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