8. Echoes of Home

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That night, Miyu-ra and Chie-ri moved quickly to take care of Saet-sa. Miyu-ra, still disguised as Yuyu, fetched cold water and dampened a towel, carefully placing it on Saet-sa's forehead. He looked momentarily pleased by the attention, but there was an unmistakable hint of awkwardness and shyness in his expression.

After drinking his medicine, Saet-sa finally fell into a deep sleep. With little else to do, Miyu-ra sat next to him and observed him. In the soft glow of the lantern, he looked far less grumpy than usual. His tall, muscular frame did not seem bulky, thanks to his height. Thick, dark brown hair framed his face, and his strong, long neck, sharp jaw, and nose gave him a striking profile. His thick eyebrows arched up, and his long, slightly curled eyelashes added a softness to his features, contrasting with his high cheekbones, now bruised and purple from the battle. His wide, firm mouth hinted at his stern nature, but in sleep, he seemed almost peaceful. Miyu-ra found herself momentarily captivated by his appearance, realising that despite his often irritating demeanour, he was actually quite attractive.

As the night wore on, Saet-sa's condition took a turn for the worse. His fever spiked, leaving him tossing and turning fitfully in his sleep. Concern etched itself onto the faces of both Miyu-ra and Chie-ri as they watched over him, their worry palpable in the dim light of the tent.

Immediately, the busy military doctor was summoned to assess Saet-sa's condition. After a thorough examination, he pulled Yuyu and Chie-ri aside to discuss the situation.

"The wound is quite deep, but whoever treated it was very skilful," the doctor explained in a subdued tone. "However, Saet-sa's fever is quite common with this type of injury. He's in need of rest and proper care if he's to recover quickly. I've prepared some medicine to help reduce his fever and alleviate his symptoms."

Turning to Yuyu and Chie-ri, he continued, "You'll need to administer this medicine to him regularly throughout the night. Make sure he drinks plenty of it and rests as much as possible. I'll check in on him again in a few hours to see how he's progressing."

As dawn broke over the encampment, Saet-sa's fever persisted, leaving him weakened and unable to lead the convoy. In his absence, his trusted right hand, Za-tri, assumed command, directing the troops with efficiency and determination. Despite their best efforts, however, progress seemed elusive, and the tension among the soldiers grew palpable with each passing hour.

As the third day dawned, renewed determination infused the soldiers as they scoured the surrounding area for any sign of the rebels' whereabouts. With meticulous attention to detail and unwavering focus, they combed through every inch of the terrain, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for clues.

After hours of relentless searching, a breakthrough finally came in the form of a faint trail leading deeper into the wilderness. Za-tri, now leading the expedition in Saet-sa's stead, swiftly organised a stealth team to further investigate the trail's origin and destination. Meanwhile, there was a glimmer of relief among the soldiers as they noticed Saet-sa's improved condition, his fever having subsided.

Saet-sa: "Za-tri, any luck with the trail today?"

Za-tri: "Commander, we managed to pick up a faint trail leading deeper into the forest. It looks promising."

Saet-sa: "Good work, Za-tri. What's your plan?"

Za-tri: "I intend to lead a team to follow the trail further tomorrow morning, sir."

Saet-sa: "Very well. Keep me updated. I'll join you tomorrow morning."

Za-tri: "No, Saet-sa, I must insist that you continue to rest for another day. I cannot allow you to join the investigation tomorrow."

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