5. Volatile Alliance

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Chie-ri followed Miyu-ra after her confrontation with Saet-sa, offering her a cold drink and gently tending to her knuckles with soothing herbs. "Do you feel better now?" she asked, giving Miyu-ra a sympathetic look.

"The idiotic man, he's so stubborn," Miyu-ra grumbled, rolling her eyes in frustration.

"You are too," Chie-ri muttered softly.

Miyu-ra shot her a playful glare. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

Chie-ri chuckled. "Well, I think he's a good person, Miyu-ra. I saw how he treated you during the fight. He kept asking about your knuckles and just let you do anything to him."

Miyu-ra's eyes narrowed with frustration, her voice tinged with simmering anger. "Hmmph... Perhaps, but I'm restraining myself too. If I truly wished him dead, he'd meet his end," she admitted through gritted teeth. "He's insufferable!!! AAAARRRRGGHHH. I can barely tolerate him."

"I understand, Miyu-ra. But maybe you can talk to him about your work. He might surprise you," Chie-ri suggested gently.

Miyu-ra sighed heavily, considering Chie-ri's suggestion for a moment. "You know what, Chie-ri? If I attempt to speak to him again, I might just lose it... Perhaps you should take the lead this time. You seem to have a knack for dealing with these matters, and he appears more receptive to your approach."

Chie-ri raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Me? But why?"

"Maybe it's because he's fond of you," Miyu-ra suggested, her tone carrying a touch of desperation. "And honestly, I think you stand a better chance of getting through to him than I do at the moment. Besides, I'd rather not risk losing my temper and accidentally causing harm. Another pointless argument is the last thing I want."

Chie-ri nodded thoughtfully, understanding Miyu-ra's reasoning. She knows how deadly Miyu-ra can be. "Alright, I'll talk to him. But promise me you'll try to talk to him too, Miyu-ra. It's important that you both find a way to work together."

Miyu-ra nodded, her expression grateful. "I will. Thank you, Chie-ri. I appreciate it."

Chie-ri found Saet-sa seated alone by a small pond, quietly enjoying his tea amidst the tranquil surroundings. As she approached, her bright and cheerful demeanour stood in stark contrast to Saet-sa's contemplative mood. "Hey there, Saet-sa. How are you holding up?" she asked, her warm smile inviting conversation.

He chuckled softly at her question, appreciating her effort to lighten the mood. "I've had better days, but I'll survive," he replied, returning her smile with a hint of gratitude.

Chie-ri's mischievous grin widened as she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, at least you still have all your teeth," she quipped, showing her own lost baby teeth, earning a chuckle from Saet-sa. "It's not every day you get punched by a pretty girl, huh?"

"Yeah," Saet-sa admitted with a chuckle, "I didn't quite anticipate this when the Emperor tasked me with escorting The Sacred Painter to the capital." He had expected a more formal and predictable encounter, not a lively confrontation with a spirited young woman.

"I may have been too forceful with her, insisting on locking her in the carriage," he confessed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "We were pressed for time, and she stubbornly refused to comply."

"I understand," Chie-ri nodded sympathetically. "Despite her anger, I believe she sees the good in you."

"Really?" Saet-sa raised an eyebrow sceptically.

As their conversation continued, Chie-ri's tone shifted to a more serious note. "You know, Saet-sa, Miyu-ra may seem tough, but she's genuinely concerned about her work. She wants to share some ideas with you, but she's worried it'll only lead to another argument."

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