6. The Attack

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Several hours after Miyu-ra's interaction with the locals, twilight draped its shadow over the secluded route. Unseen eyes watched from the dense foliage that flanked the road. The rebels had been biding their time, meticulously observing the convoy's movements, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Intel about the Sacred Painter had reached their ears, and they had spent days planning their ambush, setting traps and scouting the area for weaknesses.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the whistling of arrows slicing through the air, catching Saet-sa's men off guard. The dense foliage rustled as hidden rebels emerged, their war cries echoing through the forest. The clash of swords soon followed, a cacophony of metal ringing against metal as the Imperial Guard fought to defend the convoy. Panic and confusion gripped them as the rebels launched their surprise attack, the chaos of battle erupting with deafening intensity.

Amidst the clamor, a teenage boy observed the unfolding chaos from a vantage point atop a tall tree, his eyes darting with concern.

Saet-sa's sharp gaze caught sight of a group of rebels converging on Miyu-ra's carriage, their intentions unmistakable: to seize the valuable cargo within. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Saet-sa spurred his horse into action, charging towards Miyu-ra's carriage to intercept the attackers.

The forest was a blur of motion and sound. The dense canopy overhead cast long shadows, creating an eerie play of light and dark. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, mingling with the metallic tang of blood. Saet-sa barked orders to his men, his voice cutting through the chaos like a beacon. "Form a defensive perimeter! Protect the carriage at all costs!"

His soldiers moved with practiced precision, their armor glinting in the fading light as they formed a protective ring around the convoy. Arrows whizzed past, some finding their marks in the wooden sides of the carriages or the bodies of unfortunate soldiers. The clashing of swords grew louder, a symphony of violence that filled the air.

As Saet-sa and the rebels approached the wooden bridge over the nearby lake, Miyu-ra watched with a mix of vindication and concern. "I knew this would happen," she muttered to herself, a tiny sense of satisfaction washing over her as her prediction proved true. However, the number of rebels surrounding them seemed to be much larger and more coordinated than expected, and she couldn't bear to simply stand by and watch Saet-sa and his men walk into danger.

On top of the tree, the teenage boy hissed in frustration. "The idiotic man!" With a swift descent from the tree, he mounted a nearby horse and raced after Saet-sa, determined to assist in any way he could.

Amidst the chaos, Saet-sa found himself separated from his main group, accompanied only by two soldiers, on the opposite side of the lake. The rebels, cunning in their tactics, had ignited the bridge, cutting off their escape route and leaving them vulnerable to attack.

Engulfed by the tumult of combat, Saet-sa faced eight adversaries in close quarters. Despite his best efforts, his movements were hampered by the searing pain of his wounds, leaving him vulnerable to the relentless assault of the enemy.

"Hold the line!" Saet-sa shouted, rallying his men as they struggled to fend off the attackers. He moved with calculated precision, parrying blows and countering with swift, deadly strikes. His experience and leadership shone through as he directed his soldiers, coordinating their efforts to repel the rebels.

Desperation coursed through Saet-sa as he battled to protect the convoy and safeguard Miyu-ra's carriage. Amidst the chaos, the rebels managed to seize control of the carriage. In the heat of the skirmish, Saet-sa's attention was drawn to the sudden movement of the teenage boy, who swiftly approached their position with a cylinder in hand. In the frenzy of the moment, Saet-sa momentarily braced for impact, thinking the darts were aimed at him. It was only after the darts found their targets among the rebel ranks that he realized the true intent of the boy's actions. The poison in the darts was very powerful; almost instantly, five men dropped to the ground.

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