4. Unleashed Fury

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The dawn's early light cast a golden hue over the bustling preparations at the cemetery where Miyu-ra and Chie-ri were staying. As they stepped outside, ready to embark on their journey, they were greeted by an imposing sight that left them both taken aback.

Before them stretched a procession of several grand carriages, each surrounded by a sizeable contingent of soldiers whose polished armor sparkled under the morning sun. Miyu-ra's heart sank as she took in the spectacle, a surge of protest rising swiftly within her. Turning to confront Saet-sa, her frustration spilled over. "This is madness," she exclaimed, disbelief colouring her tone. "We'll attract every bandit within a hundred miles with this display."

Saet-sa, standing firm and resolute, met her gaze. "We need to make it known that The Imperial Guard is escorting you to the capital, and you are scheduled to stop at several towns to interact with the locals," he explained, trying to mask his concern with a tone of authority. "It's not just about your safety, Miyu-ra. It's about sending a message—to our enemies and to our allies—that the kingdom takes your protection seriously."

Scanning the scene with a critical eye, Miyu-ra's frustration was palpable. "But this is too much," she protested, her voice shaking slightly. "We'll be a target, not just for bandits, but for anyone looking to make a statement against the kingdom."

Saet-sa stepped closer, his expression softening as he sought to reassure her. "I know it's not ideal," he admitted, his voice lowering to convey sincerity, "but it's the best option we have. We can't afford to take any chances with your safety. My men are prepared, with additional troops stationed at strategic points along the route."

Miyu-ra shook her head, her determination flaring as she moved towards the carriage that housed her invaluable paintings and books. "I don't care about my safety; I can protect myself. What I cannot risk is my work. These are too valuable. Look how they've been packed!" she exclaimed, pulling items from the carriage to demonstrate. "Aaah, no, don't wrap it that way—those could be damaged by water. You have to use oil cloth to cover it!"

As Saet-sa watched Miyu-ra undo the packing, his frustration simmered beneath a composed exterior. She's going to be the death of me, he thought. Accustomed to be obeyed, her stubbornness was testing his limits. "Miyu-ra, we need to leave soon. We have to reach the next village before dark—it's safer," he urged, his voice betraying his growing impatience.

Miyu-ra, deeply absorbed in her task, barely glanced up. "And I need these to be packed properly," she snapped back. "Sunlight can damage them, Commander. I prefer discreet travel. You should use merchant carriages with the soldiers disguised as ordinary travelers. It's safer and less visible."

Saet-sa's frustration was evident as he countered her argument. "Miyu-ra, these are part of a calculated strategy. Trust my experience and judgment! I'm not some novice."

Her eyes blazing, Miyu-ra stood firm. "Then consider me your unwavering obstacle. I won't budge an inch until you see reason!" Her refusal rang clear, her resolve unshaken as she continued to argue for a more subtle approach.

Saet-sa, feeling the weight of his duty pressing down, responded with hardened resolve. "No, listen. You are more valuable than any book or painting. You can always recreate your work, but not if you die."

Miyu-ra's frustration boiled over. "But your plan endangers us all! I can't travel like this. I need to maintain a low profile."

Exasperated, Saet-sa declared, "Enough! We've debated this long enough. It's time to proceed." In his years of military command, his orders had been met with immediate compliance, his strategies executed without question. But Miyu-ra, with her fiery independence, challenged every directive he gave. She defied the very structure of authority he upheld. Her refusal to follow protocol, her insistence on handling things her own way—it gnawed at him. He was accustomed to control, to having situations neatly mapped out and under his command. Yet here was Miyu-ra, a whirlwind of chaos, disrupting his plans and challenging his authority at every turn. The more she resisted, the more his impatience grew—a maddening pulse in his veins.

Miyu-ra's defiance was palpable. "I refuse to ride in those carriages. They're an open invitation for trouble."

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