1. The Encounter

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The cemetery lay shrouded in an eerie silence, but inside a large marble chamber, a sharp intake of breath broke the stillness. Fast, heavy breathing echoed, emanating from a stone coffin resting in one of the room's niches. In the dark confines of the coffin, a slender figure awoke with a start, her heart pounding against her chest. Cold sweat clung to her skin, sending shivers coursing through her body as she curled within the box's stone walls.

Her trembling fingers traced the coffin's cold surface, the chill sending a jolt through her senses. With each shallow breath, she tried to steady herself, to quiet the storm raging within her mind. "I am still here, I am still alive," she whispered, the words a fragile mantra against the encroaching darkness of her nightmares.

The nightmare still clung to her mind, vivid and horrifying. She had seen a vast battlefield, strewn with the bodies of the fallen. Blood soaked the ground, pooling around twisted limbs and lifeless faces contorted in agony. Hovering above, she saw a demon, its wings casting a shadow over the carnage. Dead bodies piled on top of each other, distant wails and the croaks of crows filling the air. She could still smell the blood, feel the cold and stiffness of the corpses, the suffocating tightness in her chest. This was the third time she had seen the same scene, a prophetic dream that haunted her nights.

Despite seeking solace in the cold embrace of the stone, questions plagued her thoughts, gnawing at the edges of her sanity. Why had God burdened her with such a heavy mantle? What had she done to deserve this fate, to be torn from her family and thrust into a world of darkness and despair?

She remembered her mother's warm embrace, her father's laughter, the simple joys of a life now lost to her. The weight of her isolation bore down upon her, a crushing reminder of the distance that now separated her from the ones she loved. Would they ever take her back, or was she doomed to wander alone?

Fear clenched at her heart, threatening to suffocate her with its icy grip. Would she one day be condemned to remain forever within the labyrinth of her nightmares, unable to find her way back to the light? Her body shook with silent sobs, the stone coffin both her prison and her only refuge.


Raen-ta's pulse quickened as he approached the cemetery, his mind swirling with a mixture of fear and curiosity. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that danced across the gravestones like ghostly fingers. He had heard countless tales of the Sacred Painter, whispered rumours that painted her as something more than human. Some said she possessed supernatural abilities, while others claimed she communed with the spirits of the dead. Whatever the truth, there was no denying the air of mystery that surrounded her.

As he stepped through the doorway of the cemetery, Raen-ta's senses were assaulted by the eerie atmosphere. Rows upon rows of tombstones stretched out before him, their weathered surfaces bearing silent witness to the passage of time. The air was heavy with the scent of earth and decaying woods, the only sound the distant cawing of crows circling overhead.

Pushing aside his apprehension, Raen-ta made his way through the cemetery, his footsteps echoing against the cold stone pathways. He approached a large chamber, entirely made of marble, his heart pounding in his chest. Light golden rays filtered through the stained glass windows, casting an otherworldly glow over the scene before him.

And there she was, the Sacred Painter, Miyu-ra perched high atop a metal ladder, her slender figure silhouetted against the backdrop of her enormous canvas. Her hands moved with a fluidly as she applied delicate strokes of gold dust to the painting, her eyes focused intently on her work.

Raen-ta's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight before him. The painting was a macabre masterpiece, depicting a scene of death and destruction unlike anything he had ever seen. Hundreds of twisted faces stared out from the canvas, their expressions frozen in eternal agony. Blood dripped from their mouths, pooling on the ground below. And hovering above them all, like a dark spectre, was the figure of a demon, its eyes glowing with malevolent intent.

But despite the horror of the painting, Raen-ta found himself unable to tear his gaze away. There was a strange beauty to it, a kind of twisted elegance that drew him in despite his better judgement.

"Good evening, soldier, what message do you have from the Emperor for me?" Miyu-ra's voice shattered the silence, pulling Raen-ta back to reality. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, before remembering the scroll clutched tightly in his hand.

"I have been sent by the Commander of Imperial Guard," Raen-ta began, his voice trembling slightly. "He wishes for you to return to the capital immediately. There is urgent business that requires your attention."

Miyu-ra's gaze flickered over the scroll before fixing back on him. Raen-ta was shocked to see her face to face. Rows of ancient letters are written on her face and her hands, giving her an intimidating look. "And what of the message from the Emperor himself? Does he seek my counsel?" she asked, her tone betraying no hint of emotion.

Raen-ta hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "The Emperor did not specify," he replied carefully. "But Commander Saet-sa made it clear that your presence is required. You need to get ready to leave in two days."

Miyu-ra nodded thoughtfully, her gaze drifting back to her painting. "Very well," she said. "But first, there is a task I need you to perform for me."

Raen-ta silently sighs at the mention of another task. He had hoped that delivering the message would be the extent of his duties. "Of course, Sacred Painter," he said, trying to keep the apprehension out of his voice. "What do you require of me?"

Miyu-ra descended gracefully from her ladder, her eyes alight with a strange intensity. "I need you to retrieve a skull for me," she said, her voice low and measured. "From an unmarked grave near the olive tree in this cemetery. Do this for me, and then I will talk to your Commander."

Raen-ta's blood ran cold at the mention of the skull. He had heard rumours of Miyu-ra's peculiar requests, but he had never imagined that he would be the one tasked with such a ghastly errand. Swallowing hard, he nodded in silent acquiescence. "As you wish, Sacred Painter," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a final nod, Miyu-ra dismissed him, her attention already returning to her painting. Raen-ta turned and hurried out of the studio, his mind swirling with fear and uncertainty. He knew that he had no choice but to fulfil Miyu-ra's request, but the thought of venturing into the cemetery at night filled him with a sense of dread unlike anything he had ever known.

Raen-ta made his way to the unmarked grave, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the cemetery as he approached the spot of the unmarked grave.

With trembling hands, Raen-ta began to dig, the sound of the shovel biting into the earth echoing in the stillness of the night. Each scoop of dirt sent shivers down his spine, the weight of Miyu-ra's request pressing down on him like a lead weight.

Finally, Raen-ta's shovel struck something solid. With a mixture of relief and dread, he reached his trembling hand into the hole and pulled out the skull, its empty eye sockets staring back at him in silent accusation. He repeated the same prayer over and over again "O merciful God, please forgive and protect me! Merciful God, forgive me!"

As Raen-ta made his way back to the studio, fear and uncertainty raced through his mind. Clutching the skull tightly, each step forward weighed heavily upon him, burdened by a growing sense of guilt and dread. The skull hollow sockets seemed to be able to see into his soul, casting an eerie sensation that lingered with every movement, compelling him to hasten his task and escape its haunting gaze.

When he returned, the studio was empty, the Sacred Painter nowhere to be found. Raen-ta's breath caught in his throat as he realised he was alone in the presence of the terrifying painting, his mind filled with a sense of foreboding. He had heard that the paintings tell about things that will happen in the future, and this painting spoke of death and destruction like no other. "Sacred Painter?" he called out, his voice echoing in the empty room.

Suddenly, a noise from a nearby stone coffin broke the silence, causing Raen-ta to jump in fright. He turned to see a figure emerging from inside the coffin, and his blood ran cold as he realised it was the Sacred Painter herself. "She is not a human, I need to get out of here" he thinks in panic.

Desperate to put a distance between himself and The Sacred Painter, Raen-ta hastily placed the skull in a corner. "Here... uh, the skull..." he muttered, before fleeing the cemetery, his heart pounding with fear. He sprinted as fast as he could. The memory of his encounter with the Sacred Painter was etched into his mind forever.

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