3. The Commander

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As Saet-sa, the commander of the imperial guard, approached Miyu-ra's studio, his demeanour radiated strength and authority. His stride was purposeful, his posture erect, and his gaze unwavering. Despite the weight of anticipation and the unsettling stories swirling in his mind, there was a steely resolve in his demeanour, a testament to his years of experience and unyielding determination. He was a man accustomed to facing challenges head-on, unafraid to confront the unknown and resolute in his duty to protect the kingdom. With every step, his presence commanded respect, a testament to his unwavering commitment to his role as the guardian of the realm. 

Yet beneath his composed exterior, he steeled himself for the impending encounter. His thoughts swirled with enigmatic tales, with Raen-ta's unsettling revelation that The Sacred Painter was no ordinary mortal. The Emperor had recounted tales of the artist's purported ability to commune with The Divine, channelling prophecies through her paintings. Saet-sa had even heard whispers of prophetic visions foretelling her very birth. Still, Raen-ta's haunted demeanour upon return left Saet-sa uneasy. He had anticipated encountering a paranormal event, but he was not prepared for the scene that greeted him.

The studio was bathed in an ethereal light, the air thick with the scent of paint and incense. Saet-sa's eyes were drawn to Miyu-ra, who stood before an enormous canvas, her hands moving fluidly as she worked her magic. She was a vision of otherworldly beauty, her attire and demeanour are like elves that you only read in fantasy books.

Miyu-ra wore a flowing garment adorned with intricate patterns, her hands and face painted with symbols of unknown significance. Her presence was commanding, her aura radiating a sense of power and mystique that left Saet-sa spellbound.

Lost in the mesmerising scene before him, Saet-sa barely noticed Chie-ri's approach until she spoke, her voice cutting through the silence. "Beautiful, right?" she said, her tone laced with amusement.

Saet-sa blinked, momentarily disoriented by the sudden interruption. "Yeah," he replied. "The girl or the painting?" ask Chie-ri, teasing him. His gaze flickers between Miyu-ra and her painting. "The... the painting."

Chie-ri chuckled at his confusion, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "People don't really realise that she is a girl, a beautiful girl," she said. "Most people just treat her like a witch or something."

Saet-sa's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind struggling to reconcile the fantastical scene before him with the reality of the situation. "Are you her servant?" he asked, turning his attention to Chie-ri.

Chie-ri shrugged, a playful smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Hmm, I don't know, I am just Chie-ri" she replied cryptically. "Maybe I am her servant."

Before Saet-sa could respond, Miyu-ra's voice cut through the air, her words sharp and direct. "No, she is not my servant. She is my family!" she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. Her eyes alight with a fierce intensity that belied her elf-like appearance. Saet-sa had met The Sacred Musician, and was amused by his eccentricities. But this is the kingdom's Illuminator, the Sacred Painter; she was unlike anyone Saet-sa had ever seen, she is young, yet her presence commands attention and respect.

Saet-sa turned to face Miyu-ra, his gaze meeting hers for the first time. "Good morning, Sacred Painter, I am Saet-sa, Commander of the Imperial Guard," he said, his voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within him. "I am tasked to bring you home."

Miyu-ra's immediate response was firm, "I've made it clear to the Emperor that I don't want to go back," she stated defiantly. "I feel at home here."

Saet-sa sighed, speaking plainly. "Unfortunately, Miyu-ra, war is on the horizon. It's not safe for you to stay here alone," he said matter-of-factly.

Miyu-ra's reply took Saet-sa by surprise, unsettling him. "I'm prepared to face whatever comes my way," she declared firmly.

He understood the gravity of her words; even his bravest soldiers would hesitate to utter such a sentiment. Yet, he also recognized the limits of his authority. The Emperor's command was clear: bring Miyu-ra back unharmed. He couldn't compel her against her will, not when her hands possessed the skill of the Sacred Painter. A single blemish on her would mean dire consequences for him. "How do I persuade her?" he contemplates.

Saet-sa's brow furrowed as he broach another subject. Suddenly, he spoke up. "What did you do to my man?" he asked, his tone serious.

Miyu-ra paused, her brow furrowing in thought. "Who? Oh, the soldier who came several days ago?" she replied, her voice trailing off as she searched her memory. "I asked him to retrieve a skull from an unmarked grave over there. But I didn't instruct him to dig the grave at night. I'm not sure what he saw, but when he returned, he was pale and couldn't speak properly. He left the skull behind and hurried away," she explained, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

Chie-ri chuckled heartily. "He came back after dark, carrying a skull, and there was Miyu-ra, peacefully sleeping in her coffin, as usual. Your soldier was so startled by the sight that he practically tripped over himself trying to flee. It was quite the spectacle!"

"Wait, she sleeps in a coffin?" Saet-sa's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yeah, and get this, she even uses another stone coffin as a bathtub!" Chie-ri burst into giggles.

Miyu-ra retorted seriously. "Well, technically, it's not a coffin, just a stone box. I've made it quite cozy with layers of goose feathers."

Chie-ri laughed, shaking her head. "Come on, Miyu-ra, it's definitely a coffin, not just any old box!"

Miyu-ra crossed her arms. "But it's clean, Chie-ri, never been used for a burial. So, technically, it's not a coffin yet!"

Chie-ri rolled her eyes. "Sure, but who sleeps in a box? It's creepy!"

"Ahem..." Saet-sa cleared his throat, a mix of amusement and relief washing over him as he listened to the playful banter between Chie-ri and Miyu-ra. It humanized Miyu-ra in his eyes, reminding him that she was more than just the Sacred Painter.

"The Emperor seeks your counsel, Miyu-ra," Saet-sa continued, his tone earnest. "The fate of the kingdom and its people hangs in the balance. It's no longer about your comfort or safety. We need you now more than ever. With war looming, our country needs its defenders."

"Ah, yes. The Sacred Musician, your betrothed, sent this," he said, extending a jeweled box to Miyu-ra. She arched an eyebrow in response, then accepted it.

"What? You're engaged? You have a husband-to-be?" Chie-ri blurted out. Miyu-ra shot her a silent glance that clearly conveyed, "Not now."

Miyu-ra then met Saet-sa's gaze, her expression unreadable. For a few moments, neither of them spoke, the silence stretching between them. Saet-sa remained steadfast, comfortable with the quiet. Miyu-ra couldn't shake the feeling that she had encountered him before, perhaps in one of her dreams.

Finally Miyu-ra spoke, a tinge of sadness reflected in her eyes. "It's not my kingdom, and they're not my people," she admitted softly. Saet-sa remembered her story of being brought from Mount Vespera as a holy child alongside The Sacred Musician. He felt a pang of sympathy for her, finding himself at a loss for words.

Moments passed before Miyu-ra let out a heavy sigh. "Very well," she conceded, her voice weighted with resignation. "I've seen this war in my dreams, and they've haunted me again last night. Let's make our way to the capital."

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