Chapter Forty!!!

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Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the wait, it sucks that Wattpad no longer has messages, but you can always Dm me on Twitter @Riseces! I decided to change the plot just a little to keep you interested. I also have an AI-generated oc, LOL. He's going to be a BIG part of this season of Metanoia! I'm also very happy to see that we got to chapter forty! Please enjoy this chapter! With much love, Nai.

 He's going to be a BIG part of this season of Metanoia! I'm also very happy to see that we got to chapter forty! Please enjoy this chapter! With much love, Nai

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He sat there, his eyes fixed on the photograph in his hand. A mixture of disgust and apathy washed over him as he remembered the events that had led him to this moment. It was a picture of someone he once knew and had once obsessed over. But now, all he felt was an overwhelming sense of revulsion.

As the memories played in his mind, he saw once again the facade that had once captivated him. The charm, charisma, and allure that had drawn him in now seemed like nothing more than cheap tricks. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he had been played a fool.

The memories that replayed in his mind were all too familiar. He saw himself consumed by obsession, always seeking validation and attention from this undeserving individual. He had given so much and sacrificed so much, all for the pleasure of someone who had only used him for his own gain.

With each passing moment, the disgust grew more intense. He saw the lies, the manipulation, the betrayal. The once cherished memories now brought nothing but pain and regret. He realized that he had allowed himself to be consumed by obsession, blinded to the red flags and warning signs that had been right in front of him all along.

Now, as he sat there, looking at the picture, he faced the consequences of his actions. The realization that he had wasted years on someone who didn't deserve him was hard to swallow. He had allowed himself to be blinded, consumed by his own desires, and now he was paying the price.

The photograph in his hand served as a stark reminder of what a fool he had been. It was a constant reminder of his biggest mistake, which he would never make again. He knew now that he had to learn from his mistakes, grow, and move on.

As he sat there, staring at the photo, he couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation. The weight of his past mistakes no longer bound him. The sense of relief of the now deceased washed over him, but there was still something he had to finish, someone he couldn't forgive because it was all his fault.

And just like a certain someone, this was all in his head and a delusion that he believed to be accurate since the person he loved left him behind to fend for himself and never acknowledged his feelings.

"Mr. Toranaga, I have just received some information about Manjiro Sano."

Sachikos's lips tipped up into a curved grin. He slowly raised his eyes to the man standing before him. Sachiko tilted his head and rested it against the knuckles of his hand. "Go on, Jiro," he instructed.

Jiro nodded, fixing his stance and holding his hands behind his back. "Daichi was seen leaving the Haitani residence a few days ago with Kenji and Lolo. According to Lolo, Kantou was ordered to remain weary of us and not act on their own."

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