my lady 2

18 1 0

Tw: r@pe

PoV Mabel
I just went to ask my brother something, but he had a few friends over and now I was caught in pointless flirting from them.

"Guess, calm down. She's in a relationship. ", a chubby boy young man suddenly said. He smiled at me kindly.

"You're dating William, right?", he asked.

"Yes, thank you. Have we met before?", I asked.

"I don't think so. I'm Thompson. You know, William's a great choice. We were friends before his parents died.", Thompson explained.

"That dude is such a failure though.", Robbie said.

"Yeah, such a loser.", Mason added.

"Well, he has a pretty girlfriend. Can't say that about any of you. ", I grinned.

I was in the kitchen, when Thompson approached me carefully.

"Hey? What's up?", I asked.

"I just...I feel like I gotta warn you. You're boyfriend might seem really cute and sweet, but he's a cheater.", Thompson said.


"Well, that's why our friendship ended. I just couldn't watch him lure all these girls in with stupid love letters, just to break their hearts." , he explained. I shook my head.

"Yeah, right. We talking about the same person?", I huffed.

"Alright. If you don't believe me, ask him about Scarlet and what he did to her. If he gets defensive and starts stammering, you have your answer.", he shrugged, then left.

The thought poisoned my mind very effectively. William did have more female than male friends.

What if Thompson was right?

I had to ask. When Will came over the next time, I eventually turned to him and asked: "by the way, what did you do to Scarlet?"

I watched all colors leave his face. "I-I-I", he stammered.

"William?", I asked, shocked.

"I'm sorry, I g-got t-to go!", he cried out.

"Oh, you don't get to walk out on me like that! What did you do with her?!", I cried out angrily, grabbing his arm.

"Please let go.", he said.

I did.

He grabbed his stuff.

"William? We're through. ", I said. Then he was gone.

I started crying on my bed.

Late that evening I got a call from Bill. I picked up.

"Hey. Is my brother still with you?", he asked.

"No and I don't care where he is. We broke up.", I huffed.

"Why?", Bill asked bluntly.

"Because he cheated on me with some girl named Scarlet.", I answered.


Then he said: "who told you that?"

"Did you know?!", I asked shocked.

"Mabel. Scarlet was our mother. William thinks he killed her, because the accident happened when mom and dad were on their way to his violin concert. Who. Told. You. That?!", Bill huffed angrily .

"Thompson did. Oh my god. I need to call Will!", I cried out.

"You listened to Thompson?! That guy abused Will for five months! He's crazy!"

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