the omega prince (powderblue)

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Yay, a needlessly long chapter!

PoV Will
The battle was raging on around me as I ran. I just hoped my brother's would make it out alive, but I really wasn't able to fight with them.

I ran into my room, locked the door and hid under the bed, while I waited for this horror to end.

I am prince William Cipher, brother of king Killian and youngest son of the greatest demon king and queen of all times.

In our world there are alphas, betas and omegas, strong, average and weak, those who rule, those who serve and those who give birth.

I was the first omega ever born in my family, but it was alright. My parents still loved me.

Sadly my father was killed in war and Kill wasn't ready to rule, so now the enemy was here.

Suddenly my door broke and laughing soldiers entered.

I held my breath.

I recognized their leader when he came into view. Tad Strange. If he wouldn't have been our greatest enemies son I would have let myself think of him as quite attractive.

They were ripping every door open, searching for worthy stuff they could take.

Suddenly a golden ring rolled under the bed. One of the men reached for it and suddenly he grabbed my arm.

I tried pulling away and at first it worked.

"Someone's under the bed, Sir", the man than said.

Tad knelt down and I closed my eyes as he chuckled, then pulled me out easily.

"Now, what's this, hm? A prince hiding under the bed like a coward while his brother's die", he laughed, keeping his grip on me. I whimpered.

Did he say die? Did they kill my twin? My older brothers?

Suddenly he let his hand slip into my pants.

I screamed at the sudden touch and started struggling.

He pulled his hand out again.

"The legends are true, boys. He's an omega! Tie him up and put him on my horse. I want him all for myself", Tad smirked.

I gazed up with tears in my eyes.


The castle Tad lived in was bigger than my home, with a garden that sure was beautiful, but I didn't have time to appreciate that.

I was being pushed forward until we reached the throne room.

"Didn't I tell you to kill all of them?", king Strange growled.

"Yes, but he's not posing a threat. He's just a weak omega. Hid under his bed like the little weakling he just is", Tad laughed.

The king mentioned for us to come over, but on the way I tripped and fell to the ground.

Everyone laughed.

"We tied your hands, not your feet, little one! Walk.", Tad growled and pulled me up.

They made me kneel in front of the king, who grabbed my chin and turned my head a little. Then he buried his fingers in my long hair and pulled.

I whimpered. "Pathetic. You're not worth your family's name.", the king spat at me, then let go.

"Even though I killed him, I know your father was a good man, just like your brothers were. They were strong and brave. Now, what are you compared to them?", he added to his speech.

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