underage (WillFord, fem!Will, grooming?)

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Sexual stuff in this

PoV Ford
I was walking up and down in my friends stufy. Fiddleford was on his way, his maid had told me. I desperately needed to talk to the man.

When he finally came, he sat down in his leather chair and crossed his legs elegantly.

I ran a hand through my hair.

"Stanford. You're a complete mess, you know that?", he asked with a small smile.

"I am. That's why I'm here. Fiddleford, I've got a serious problem and I need your advice. ", I sighed.

I pointed to the chair across from him, but I just leaned on it and didn't sit down. I couldn't.

"What's the matter?", he asked.

"You know, how I told you I how I met my new business partners sons?", I started explaining.

"I recall. You called them noisy good for nothings that are a pain in the ass. What about them?", Fiddleford poured us each a glass of wine.

"I...he has a daughter too. She had been busy with volunteering at the church, when I met her. Her voluntary work was also the reason she wasn't there when I met her brothers.", I continued. Then I sat down.

"Alright. But what's the point of this?", Fiddleford raised an eyebrow and leaned back.

"You know how I never had an actual relationship or any of these sobby, affectionate feelings? She changed that. It really bothers me."

"You got a picture?", my friend asked.

I showed him the picture I had taken of her just that day when she wasn't looking.

"Yeah, Stanford. That is a child.  Isn't she?", Fiddleford huffed.

"She's 16, but she's very mature!", I cried out.

"So what? She's underage. There is no way you'd want to fuck a child."

"I'm trying not to think of her  in that way, but she makes it very difficult. She's so nice and she seems to trust me. I'd even say she has feelings too.", I sighed.

"Well, you are an attractive man, it would be easy for a young, naive girl to fall for that...", Fiddleford took a sip of his wine,"I recommend you stay really far away from her and spend some time with an adult woman. Maybe that'll help. ", my friend thought out loud. I nodded.

I had managed to keep my distance for a long time, but then the summer ball came and George Cipher brought his children along.

As I was overlooking the party, Willow suddenly came up to me. She was wearing pretty heels and a neckholder dress, with a beautiful a-line shape. It wasn't showing off her cleavage or anything, but it fit her so nicely, I immediately felt like I had just sinned in my thoughts.

The girl smiled at me warmly.

"Good evening Mister Gleefull. I just wanted to ask, if you would mind helping me with something? I need a bit of assistance with the little kids at church.", she explained.


"Well, what kind of assistance do you need, pretty lady?", I smiled. She blushed.

"They don't listen to me very well, but people respect you a lot. I thought if you would join us on the childrens hike, they'd behave better. I do not want them to get hurt.", she explained. Smiling. She was smiling. It looked so beautiful. She was so incredibly beautiful.

"I don't usually go hiking.", I said.

"Oh... well, that's okay! I'll ask someone else then!", the girl said.

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