Killian (purple Ciphercest)

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PoV Kill
"I can't believe that WIMP got himself captured!", I yelled at my mirror.

I had just received a letter from my old friend William, a sweet blue creature, far to powerful for his own good as he was an alternative version of me.

"BILL!", I then called. Soon enough my grumpy best friend aka life guard entered the room.

I had made a deal with the Axolotl to free Bill and now he belonged to me.

"What's up?", he asked.

"It's William. He finally answered my letters. Apparently he's been captured by the Gleeful's, his version of the Pines family. They are keeping him as a slave and using his magic for their shows, it's pathetic", I huffed, crossing my arms.

"So, we going to get the gang back together?", Bill chuckled.

I smiled at the thought.


I kicked down the door of the mansion easily.

"William, you little shit, come here!", I called out. Bill had his hand on his magic sword.

A few seconds later we heard steps, then something leaped at me from the side.

I almost set the thing on fire, but then I noticed the blue hair on his head.

"K-Killi, B-billi! Y-you d-didn't forget a-about me!", the young man stuttered as he was clinging to me.

"William, what is going on?", a cold voice suddenly asked.

I looked up at the younger Gleeful twins.

"My my, what a sight for sore eyes", Mabel giggled as she came closer on her heels. She was probably referring to my human form.

"I'm here to get my friend. Who's the _owner_ of Will?", I said through gritted teeth.

"GRUNKLE FORD!", Mason called.

I could feel Will shaking and put an arm around him.

A few minutes passed, where you could only hear William's soft whimpers.

Then suddenly a man in a cape came down the stairs. He looked younger than he should be, but I didn't really care.

"Stanford Gleeful. So you are the fool who imprisoned our baby blue", I greeted him.

He smirked softly.

"I'm guessing you want him back. What do you offer in return?"

"Damn, you sure were expensive, baby blue", I sighed.

I was holding his, now red, chains as I led him to the portal I had created.

"I-I'm s-sorry", he stuttered.

"Are you injured? Anything broken or bleeding?", Bill suddenly asked.

"E-every thing hurts, ho-honestly"

"Carry him until we reach a our healers", I sighed. Bill nodded and picked the smaller male up.

We entered our world in a blink of an eye.

We immediately took William to our best healer and watched as the man took our friend's shirt off and revealed the damage that had been done.

Bill gasped at all the whip marks and knife wounds. William looked like he had been cut, stabbed and whipped several times.

Anger grew inside me.

"Bill, take care of him and take him to his room. He should take a bath. I'm going to set fire to something", I explained, then left the room.

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