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PoV Bill
"I beg your Pardon?",I choked on my water.

My best friend Tad smirked.

"Go on. Beg for my Pardon.", he said darkly.

I choked even more and almost died, but he wasn't done yet.

"If you do, you might as well get on your knees, you little brat. Come on, I wanna see you begging."

"Damn, I now understand what your exes saw in you.", I finally brought out.

He raised an eyebrow and I somehow felt like the purple haired guy wasn't joking. Not this time.

We were in my room, on my bed, nobody home and that made this situation so much worse.

"So you won't beg?", Tad suddenly laughed.

But now I felt oddly attracted to him.

"You think you can push me into submission this easily? Try harder.", I said to provoke him.

How far could we take this?

"Oh, so you want me to go hard?", he challenged me.

I licked my lips.

"Are you even able to?", I pushed further.

Tad growled.


"I think you're just a bottom. Prove me wrong.", I smirked. That might have been a mistake.

In the next moment I found myself trapped between the sheets and my friends body, his hands next to my head.

"Uhm, Tad?", I pushed him off with a thick blush covering my cheeks.

"Right, sorry. Guess I got carried away.", he said, rubbing his neck.

He stood up, but I did too. I turned him around, grabbed his belt and pulled him against me.

"Ah, ah. Don't do that. That's dangerous.", he said softly.

"You know danger's my favorite word.", I whispered.

Then I dared to push my lips on his carefully.

Tad pulled away immediately.

"Bill, don't. You know, bro's don't-", he started.

"Why though?", I whispered softly.

Tad gazed into my eyes and I gazed into his.

"Maybe, just one more?",he said softly. I nodded.

When his lips met mine I suddenly felt so weird, so excited.

Tad grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, the kiss growing more intense with each second passing.

When we finally pulled away I was to stunned to speak.

"You know, all good things are three.", Tad joked. I grabbed his collar and pulled him down into the most passionate kiss I ever had.

His right hand suddenly found its way under my shirt, while he pushed one knee between my legs.

I was holding onto him like it was the last thing I'd ever do.

But, like all good things, the kiss had to end. Suddenly Tad was really embarrassed. That was annoying, so I just simply took of his belt without a word. I knew for a fact that has ass wasn't as delicious as mine, not as juicy, so his pants where now hanging low on those hips.

"Bill, stop. We would just ruin our friendship!", he cried out, but I was horny and I needed to be dominated.

So I decided to pull my last card. I got on my knees in front of Tad and gave him my best fuck-me-eyes.

new Cipher Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora