the kings bride (Willolotl, WillDip)

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PoV William
I had seen a portrait of my soon to be husband, but I was doubting I would even recognize him by his face.

Painters lie.

Did the storytellers lie too? I had heard stories about the man, the mighty Axolotl. He wasn't very old, but due to his father passing away, he was the king of spirits and gods.

Oh, those stories. I really hoped, they would turn out to be true. They pictured him in such a good light.

My brother, Kill, smiled at me and patted my hand. Our parents had passed in the very same war, that Axolotls parents had. We couldn't risk another one.

That's why I, omega prince of demons, was marrying the Axolotl. To forge an alliance, so powerful, noone would attack us.

I concentrated on my steps as Kill led me towards the other king. I couldn't trip now.

When I looked the Axolotl in the eyes, I felt relieved. I was looking into a pair of warm eyes. Not at all were they filled with hunger or desire, like the ones of other men were when they looked at me.

I smiled at the Axolotl. We kissed carefully.

I missed my home terribly, but Axl made sure I had everything I needed and wanted. If I told the servants to jump, they would ask: "how high?". Not literally.

I also spend some time with Beluga, my sister in law. I tried my best to be a good hus-wife.

Axl never insisted, I'd do something I didn't want. Oh, he was so sweet! I was so lucky.

Sadly the two kings had miscalculated the enemies fierce.

Soon, my home was under attack.

My husband left to help them.

A few weeks into the war, I started feeling weird. I didn't tell anyone, but Beluga about my suspension and we agreed to keep it secret. Nobody was to know that I was pregnant.

One night, I was awoken by an alarm. We were under attack. I quickly put clothes on, then helped Beluga with getting our servants and maids out of the castle. It seemed pointless. Then I had an idea.

I stroked my belly softly and apologized to my child. Then I ran to the other end of the castle. I used my magic to fight the troups back. Just a little longer.

Eventually I sank to my knees. I was exhausted.

"If it isn't the queen. What a lovely sight.", a black knight suddenly said as he stood in front of me.

I looked up at him in fear.

"My my, what pretty eyes. I'll take you home.", he said.

PoV Axl
"A trap?!", I cried out. "Sadly. I barely got the people out alive.", my sister sighed. We had met in the woods.

"Everyone?", I asked.

Beluga stayed silent.
When she finally spoke up, her voice was strained:

"They took William. He went back to save us some time."

"No. No, please. Did they kill him?", I stammered.

"No. They took him with them. But I'm afraid he won't last long. He is pregnant. ", my sister sighed.

I took a deep breath.

"What do we do?", I asked and turned to Till. Kill had been injured in the battle. The white haired male looked really worried.

"My brother is pregnant?", he asked.

Beluga nodded.

"There's nothing we can do. If we attack them, they'll kill him.", Till then sighed.

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