uncle Ford (human AU)

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Tw: rape, sexual assault, child abuse and everything that comes with it.
You have been warned.

3rd PoV
"Till? Are you okay?", Kill asked very carefully.

"Yeah, just...cold", Till lied. Chill sat down on the bed, next to his brother.

"You thinking of him again?", the green haired boy asked carefully.

Till sniffed, but nodded.

The 19 year old shivered.

"Hey, you know we believe you, even if he got out this easily", Kill sighed. It's been a few weeks since the trial against their father's friend, uncle Ford, who had been sexually abusing Till since the boy was 9 and even raped him.

Till buried his fingers in the bedsheet. The rich and successful man got away easily and hadn't even got banned from seeing Till.

"I just thought, what if he never stopped. I mean, when I was 16 he stopped doing it to me, what if he did it to someone else?", Till thought out loud.

"Judging on how he denied everything that's very much likely", Kill agreed.

"What if someone else told the police what Ford did? Would they believe them?", Till went on.

"Well, you would be two. Do you think we can figure out if this is true?", Chill asked.

Will stood behind the door of Tills room, listening to them.

They would find out. Maybe they could help him?

"Don't spy on our brothers, that's rude", his twin said and pulled him away.

"Mum is taking Till to the doctor later", Bill explained. Will looked away sadly.

"Is uncle Ford watching us?", he asked very quiet.

"No, silly, Kill and Chill are", Bill replied.

Will nodded, relieved.

PoV Will
Dad wanted Bill and me to spend a part of our holidays with Ford. I hated the thought of spending an entire week with him and dreaded it. Till would be staying in a mental hospital for a while. Kill and Chill were in a camp, so Dad wanted alone time with mum.

When we arrived at his, I immediately wanted to run. You see, Till wasn't a liar at all. I was very sure Stanford was abusing him, because he was doing it to me. I hated every single second of it, hated his games and his touch, just everything.

I wanted to tell someone, but I was scared. They didn't believe Till, why would they believe me?

"Hey sweetheart. You alright?", I suddenly heard him ask.

I nodded carefully. Stanford smiled at me.

In the evening, when Bill was asleep already, I was still awake in the library of Fords mansion.

"Couldn't sleep, huh?", the man suddenly asked.

"Go away, please. ", I said softly.

"Oh, but I've missed you so much, my little ladybird.", he said. Ford sat down right next to me and put a hand on my thigh, stroking it. I was in my pjs already. Suddenly his hand slipped into my boxers.

"Don't, please. ",I sniffed.

He did not. He went further.

Soon I found myself trapped between the couch and his body, that was partly pushing into me roughly.

His hand covered my mouth. I hated everything about this so much. When it was over, he just kissed my lips and left.

I cried so hard.

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