50.....☆( mature🔞)

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Jungkook pov  ,

Frowning, I regard his nervous self with interest. he appears to be overwhelmed.

"Taehyung ?" he blinks at me and I raise from the bed, approaching him.

When I near hi., he backs off in a terrified manner. Shaking my head, I walk past him and bolt the door before tilting my attention to him again.

With his  head bowed, he holds the milk in his hand as tight as possible.

"Would you give me the milk or not?" I speak up, wanting to ease him but taehyung  shrieks, as he forwards the glass to me.

Hia  fingers are trembling.
Seems like someone had educated him about sex? Must be some ladies. But I have to make sure before coming to an conclusion.

Receiving the glass from him, I slid my free hand around his waist and pull him against my chest. With a gasp, he clutches my t-shirt and remains there, unmoving. Even his  gaze is adhered to my t-shirt.
Still watching him, I drink the half portion of the milk.

"Drink it up," I squeeze his  waist, and he acquires the glass from me, apprehensively.

All the ten fingers of his hands crushed against the glass, he tips the glass towards his  lips and sips the milk slowly, taehyung  eyes stubborn on looking up at me.

How adorable. I scrutinize his  with an admiring gaze as he proceeds to drink the milk.

His  free hair and the sensual smell of the jasmine are waking up the equipment beneath my boxers.

As I peer back at his face again, he retracts the empty glass from his lips and raises one of his hands to rub the milk stain above his  brims. But I grab his  hand halfway through which provokes Taehyung's mesmerizing eyes to look into mine, skeptically.
A moment of stillness remained before I press my lips against his , and run my tongue over the milk stain.

Taehyung  drops the steel glass on the floor at my action and scrunches the t-shirt into his  fist.

As I further deepen the kiss and move my lips over his  soft pair, I lose my hold on his hand and trail it behind his  neck, tugging him closer to me.

Taehyung  heaving bosoms caress my chest in an up-and-down motion, while I kiss him  senseless. Taehyung  tries to kiss me back but then suppresses his participation as I plunge my tongue into his mouth.

Taehyung   tongue shies away but I stalk it with my own and suck it, which makes Taehyung's  lips to part wide.

"..mm..." his  throaty mewl stimulates me more and I kiss hi
, ferociously. Once I break the kiss to inhale some oxygen, taehyung  buries his  head on my chest, breathing raggedly.

"Taehyung ," I fist his  hair and drag hiz  head back. he sees me with fear-filled eyes again.

"What are you scared for?" I question with a grimace.

"You will hurt me..." Taehyung  says lowly, hus gaze diverting to the floor.

"Why would I hurt you?" I ask, genuinely curious to heed his  response.

"I know...on my cousin brother's wedding night, his wife screamed in agony. He must have hurt hi.! From then on, I'm afraid of this night," I chuckle at Taehyung  reasoning. His  naiveness boosts my manly instinct and I'm desperate to explore hum thoroughly!

"Are you sure that he screamed in agony?" I teasingly ask him and he nods his  head vigorously in a yes.

"You might have misunderstood it taehyung . I think he screamed in pleasure." His  brows furrow in a deep frown.

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