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So hear is the update of new chapter enjoy 💜.

do  comment how is the chapter. i like to read comment it make my day and motivates  me a lot ..!!😊😊

So  lets  start the chapter!!!!!......

Jungkook pov ,

I can sense the sadness within him, it's transparent through taehyung eyes! Only god knows what he's thinking of me now. But he must be angry over me, I'm definite of that, and he has all the right to be, honestly.

I want to apologize to taehyung as soon as possible. And maybe even tell him about how I feel around him. I have to, otherwise, he would be absolutely confused.

Currently, the running competition has begun and taehyung and the other students take up the initial position. I and the PT teacher were standing by their side and scrutinizing them.

Taehyung looks concentrated while Han keeps on stealing glances at me, smiling and throwing his ponytail around for every few seconds. The other students were all focused as well...

Once the PT teacher blows the whistle, every student starts to run. They have to cover the ground's circumference, three times. A few students, including Han, run faster in the first round.

Taehyung and another few run a bit slow. That's the strategy to not waste energy in the first round itself.

As Han crosses us in the first round, he throws us a proud glance, as he is the leading one.

Taehyung and  the other few students gain a little more speed at the second round and by now, the ones who had expended their energy in the first round have become weary and it could be visibly seen in their body language.

Students are cheering for them and looking at them with utmost excitement. Even the teachers and the correspondent appears intrigued. And me as well, I'm rooting for taehyung but even If he loses, I would be happy for his mere participation.

A few seconds before the final round begins! Students are applauding their hands vigorously, trying to motivate the participants. Taehyung and another two students run faster just as they finish the second round.

Han and the students who ran faster initially lagged far behind them.
It was too exciting. The other two students with taehyung are giving tough competition. Half the circumference of the ground, taehyung  overtakes one of the students and If he passes the other he will be the winner!


The crowd was whistling and clapping, in order to encourage them. It was truly wonderful of them to do that, it certainly boosts me as well, even though I'm just a spectator.
My heart thud so erratically as I watch taehyung and the other student running in the same rhythm. They step with the same length and velocity but as soon as the final line comes into view, I don't know how he did that, but taehyung just scrambled at an exceptionally fast pace and moves past the line. I'm impressed, to say the least!

The students cheer happily and I repress the impulse to run to him and give him a tight hug.

Some male teachers comes forward and takes care of the participants who were breathing raggedly.

"Oh, my god..." Heeding a thud, I and the PT teacher look to our back. Han collapses onto the ground and the teachers and a few female students swiftly rush to him and carry him away to treat him.

Afterward, as I note down to whom the first, second, and third place goes to, the next running competition  took place.

The competitions went on and on and the sun was pricking everyone without an ounce of mercy. An hour or so later, the long jump competition was conducted. And only now did I realize that taehyung was certainly good at sports. he secured first place in the long jump as well...
Never once  taehyung glanced at me throughout the competitions.

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