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Jungkook pov ,

The following day, as If I and Taehyung  had an implied agreement, we did not speak or look at each other needlessly. The last day was weird. Especially the time when we looked at each other at the tuition, without a reason.

I comprehended that taehyung  was also feeling the same as me. However, I don't know whether this was just an attraction or I'm truly falling for her. I hope it was the former one, cause I won't really be happy with breaking one of my principles as a teacher.

Presently, it is the weekend, Saturday. Children and teens are playing outdoors as usual. It was a pleasant chilly day where I had overslept and had my breakfast late.

Afterward, I plugged out a book from one of the branches of the book stand and continued to read it while perched on the couch in the living

The time passed hurriedly as I indulged myself in reading. And at noon, done with lunch, I took a short nap and awakened in the evening.
Then while I was having tea, a sweet voice made me tilt my head to the side.

"Sir," blinking, I stare at Taehyung  who is prevailing at the entrance...

Oh yes, taehyung had asked me to come to the tuition at the weekends as well. We hold eye contact for a moment before I usher him inside.

The same warm feeling returned to my heart at taehyung's  sight.

Taehyung  has worn a sandal skirt, matched with a light green button-up shirt. It looks too old and the color is fastly fading away.

Yet, the outfit couldn't overshadow his grace. Taehyung is beautiful as always.

"Sir...may I go upstairs," I nod toward him and hastily finish my tea. A few minutes later, after informing my mom who was in his room about taehyung's presence, I make my way upstairs.

Entering the room, I smile as I see him sitting in the corner, with his eyes directed to the book.

"Taehyung," he perks up at me as I walk towards him and squat down.

"What are you learning today?" I examine the book on his  lap. Mathematics.

"How can you learn maths without working out it in a rough book?" I inquire, looking at taehyung  confusedly.

"I'm not good in maths sir. Not even a bit. Hence so I decided to byheart everything," Taehyung  says it proudly while I resist the urge to slap my forehead hard.

Instead, I flick my fingers on his forehead.

"That is not the way to study maths taehyung. Understanding is the key to knowledge," taehyung pouts, rubbing his forehead.

"No sir. Memorization is the key to knowledge," I pinch taehyung's ear, displeased at his retort.

"Ah...sorry sir...understanding is the key, please my ear," sparing him, I regard taehyung with
leave cold eyes.

Taehyung touches his ears and mutters something
under hia breath.

"Louder, I can't hear it," taehyung shakes his  head.

"You are not meant to hear it, sir," I narrow my eyes at taehyung's, suspiciously but anyways decided to
put it aside.

"Now, get your rough book. I will teach you starting from the first chapter," taehyung has a
rebellious expression on his face as he hesitantly picks up his rough book and handles me the same.

"Sir, please don't hit me If I do the problems wrongly," I nod, seat myself comfortably beside taehyung, and go through the first chapter of mathematics. It's algebra.

"Sure, why not?" I say as I get the pen from him
and bring my hands down onto the rough book that lays on the side of his lap. We are too close but I'm quite good with my self-control.

I write down a problem and explain it to taehyung . taehyung bobs his head like he comprehended everything I said but when I scribble down a problem and ask him to solve it, taehyung blinks at me
as If I had asked him to commit a murder.

"Sir..." Taehyung  trails off, his eyebrows in a begging

"Do it or else..." I get hold of his  ear again.

"I will do it sir! Please don't hurt my ear," taehyung rapidly clutches the pen from the book and analyzes it, skeptically.

"You need to find the 'x'," a mischievous smile
spreads on his lips at my words.

"It is right here sir, see, I already found it," taehyung underlines the 'x' on the question and grins at me while I look at him, dumbfounded.

I tighten my grip on his ear and taehyung starts to

"Sorry..." Loosening my hold, I speak up.

"Do it!" Taehyung  nods his head and focuses his attention on the rough book.

As expected, taehyung does the whole process wrong,
thereby gaining a wrong answer at the end.

"Listen carefully while I'm teaching taehyung. This is the last time I will teach you this problem again," saying that, I continue to teach taehyung.

After an hour or so, taehyung has successfully done two problems rightly.

"I'm too slow," taehyung complains as he lends me the rough book after completing another problem.

"Doesn't matter as long as you don't give up
and keep on moving forward."

Taehyung  smiles at my words.

"This is correct taehyung. You are improving

taehyung  claps his hands, appreciating himself and I smile, adoring him.

All of a sudden, the power goes off and we were
pushed into an environment so dark...

"Ayo!" Taehyung  wraps his hands around my arms and holds me tight. My mind goes blank
for a fraction of a second before I pull myself

"Taehyung , let go. I will go down and get the candle,"
I try to remove taehyung'srhands but he tightens his

"Please don't leave me alone sir! I'm afraid of the dark..." Taehyung has gripped me so rigid and close that...I could feel his bosoms caressing my arms. Quick as ever, I curb my mind from formulating any inappropriate thoughts. Fortunately, the power comes back but taehyung is still holding me tight with his eyes shut.


Taehyung shakes his head.

"Don't leave me," taehyung  says in a scared tone.

"The power has returned," at my comment, taehyung  slightly opens his left eye and then after
confirming the light has finally blessed us, he peels both his eyelids wide open.

"Do you sleep with the light turned on taehyung?" I query, surprised at his fear of the dark.

"Back my house, I use to keep the light bulb turned on. But in aunt's home, jimin sleeps beside me, so I am not really that afraid to be in the dark," I
nod at him.

But then taehyung gaze slid down at his hand hold on me and taehyung  eyes me cautiously before unwrapping his  hand.

"Now, back to studying," I order quickly, while taehyung proceeds to look at my face.

"Taehyung!" I call, squinting my eyes at him.

"Yes sir!" Taehyung snaps out of his  daze.

"Focus here," I utter, harshly.

"Okay sir.." and we were involved in the mathematics too deeply, trying our best to not give a chance to our feelings to surface it's way up.

To be continue.....☆

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