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Taehyung pov ,

Reaching my aunt's home that night, I showcase my new slippers to jimin.

"Where did you get this from?" Jimin asks as he admiringly examines it.

"Jungkook sir bought me this," I grin at him, meanwhile, jimin has a surprised look on his face.

How considerate of him to purchase me this pair of sandals. I feel way too delighted at his action. Jungkook sir is really a good person and I respect him a lot!

"Oh..." Jimin trails off.

"What are you both doing outside? Get in and have your dinner!" At aunt's yelling, I clutch jimin's wrist and enter the house.

Afterward, as we both start to have dinner , I keep zoning out. My mind just couldn't stop thinking about jungkook sir.

I blush unwillingly when the scene of him presenting me the lollipop passes across my brain.

"Hyung, why are you smiling?" Snapping out of my reverie, I blink naively at jimin.

"I didn't smile," I lie bluntly while jimin just rolls his eyes.

Consequently, as we are done with the dinner, we both prepare the mat and lay silently on one pillow. The murkiness of the night should have lulled me to sleep within seconds, but surprisingly today, I couldn't doze off. Rather, a particular person's thoughts retain me wide awake.

"Jungkook sir is so nice jimin," the boy beside me just giggles, girlishly.

"Of course...he has bought you sandals. Sure he is exceptionally nice to you," at jimin words, a question arises in me.

"Doesn't jungkook sir behave the same with other people as well?" Jimin hums before responding.

"He does. But he usually helps only small children. One of the reasons why he is respected by everyone here. However, it's the first time that I've seen him buy something for an adult. Looks like he has taken a liking to you hyung..." Goosebumps spread over my skin as jimin finishes his utterances.

"Liking towards me? I don't think so..." I drag, unable to contain the smile that tickles my lips. I don't know whether he likes me or not, but I really adore him now.

"Hm, only jungkook sir could answer that," jimin says calmly.

There's something bizarre occurring inside my stomach as I again reminisce about him.

And just like that, with his thoughts swirling within me, I fall into slumber. The next early morning, I inform my aunt, uncle, and jimin about changing the school and they were absolutely happy with my decision.

Cause it would be easy for me to attend and also
they believe that I could pass my exams with jungkook's sir as one of my school teachers.

Then I saunter to my home and inform the same to my father. He is okay with my decision as well and immediately, had me walk to my school and acquired the transfer certificate. The Principal was more than impatient to kick out a poor student like me, hence the process had end quicker.

Following that, I and dad went to the school where jungkook sir is working in. Before meeting the principal of that school, we both visited jungkook sir in the teacher's cabinet.

With a black button-up shirt matched with black pants, along with a dark wristwatch, he looked utterly professional.

But I'm quite uncertain of why my heart had thundered vigorously at his sight...

Throughout the admission process, I stand like a good boy in the side of the principal's office while my dad and jungkook sir conversed with the Principal. He seemed to have a good bond with jungkook sir, because the straight face principal actually listened and smiled at whatever he was saying...

And after a long time, we exit the principal's office.

"Taehyung, you can join the class today itself." Jungkook sir informs me in his usual composed tone.

"Okay sir," I nod my head and smile at my father who pats my head, lovingly.

"Study well my bear ," then his attention turns to jungkook, sir.

"Thank you son god shall bless you for all your good deeds." Sir smiles slightly at my father.

A few seconds later, Dad excuses himself, leaving me alone with jungkook sir. Weirdly enough, my body starts to react distinctly. Especially inside my stomach...the same sensation that happened the last night returns.

Powerless to control myself, I turn and walk ahead on the corridor.

"That's not the way to 10th class," there's a hint of surprise and humor apparent in his tone. On the other hand, embarrassment pools on my cheeks as I pause my steps.

Swirling to meet him, I steal a quick glance at
his face.

"Go this way and turn to the left at the corner. The first class there is yours," jungkook sir instructs casually.

"Okay sir," I walk towards him and try to slide
my way past his body. If I'm in my sane state of mind, and not nervous, I would have sauntered past him without any hesitation.

But with these unknown feelings inside me, become nervous when sir is beside me, and this
accidentally lets our arms to brush against each

At that unforeseen incident, my heart picks up
an unimaginable pace and I rush away from him without looking back.

Oh god , what is wrong with me!?

The students in the class weren't teasing me and were actually very welcoming. Also, I got acquainted with a girl named Hari within two classes. She is extremely talkative, and kind and also is great in studies. She assisted me with the notes and gave her books for me to borrow without even me asking her the same.

The next hour was lunch break and after that,
the first period was English.

As jungkook sir enters the class, we greet him with the "gooood afterrrnoooon sirrrrr." Jungkooksir places a textbook on the desk and hisses at us.

"Are you guys still in Lkg!?" Jungkook sir booms and we all nod a 'no'.

"Then why in the world are you guys singing
'gooood afterrrnoooon sirrrr' to me?" Everyone smiles at his imitation.

"It's just good afternoon sir! Come on, repeat
it, and then you shall have your seat," we all repeat the words as he wished us to and seated ourselves after he nods his head approvingly.

Sir taught 'question tags' and I'm not bluffing,
he is truly talented in teaching. And he doesn't give me extra attention or anything. Though it saddens me, in one way, I'm glad he hasn't glanced at me unnecessarily. Because If he did so, I'm afraid I would flush without a second

"Tomorrow, I want you all to revise the question tags and attend the class. Come unprepared If you wish so, but then don't blame me for the
pain on your palm," saying that, he leaves the classroom while I just sit there, waiting for the tuition time to start, just so I could stare at him

But the question is, why am I being so desperate to see him again?

To be continue.....☆

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