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Jungkook pov , .

This is no good. Maybe taehyung took my generous behavior of offering the sandals in a different way, because that could be the only plausible reason for his present unusual demeanor.

I've noticed it in the school itself. The timidness of his has told me everything he's hiding. I couldn't blame him entirely since I'd also been having weird feelings from the past night. The boy even appeared in my dreams as a result of me constantly thinking about him.

I'm appalled at myself. How did I allow myself to build such kind of feelings for taehyung? If I was in my teenage, I would have just shrugged it off as a mere crush. But I'm a grown man now and I certainly know what I'm looking for. And it's not definitely love. I just want to educate the students and help them construct a good future.

Whatever it may be, but I'm confident in myself. I wouldn't let these inappropriate feelings to float at all.
Let it drown...deep down.

At the moment, taehyung is perched on his usual spot, at the corner, and is stealing glances at me often. I've told him to learn the question tags...but taehyung doesn't seem to be interested in doing it now. It's already been more than thirty minutes.

Clutching the stick tight, I stroll towards him. Taehyung stands up and gives me the book, instantly. Yet, his eyes are grazing the floor, refusing to look into mine.

"I'm here! Look up," I utter in a strict tone. Maybe that was a bad idea...

That eye contact between us is brief but too effective to my liking. Neglecting the sensation, I stare at him menacingly and ask the question.

"Lily has gone to her home, what is the question tag that would be appropriate here?" Taehyung doesn't seize time before answering.
"Hasn't she?"

"They will go to school...?" I query again.

"Won't they?" Taehyung says, determinedly.
I ask another set of questions and taehyung answers each and every one correctly.

How did he learn it so fastly? I've taught it at school for the first time and If I'm not wrong, taehyung wasn't particularly concentrating. And even after coming to tuition, I've seen him trying to glimpse at me more than taehyung ever tries to look at his book.
Therefore, how is this possible?

"When did you learn?" I inquire, my mood grumpy.

"I learned it in my home before coming to the tuition." That's surely good progress.

"Fine, now revise the answer the following questions of the first chapter. I expect your best efforts," a smile strokes his lips as taehyung replies.

"Just as you say, sir..." Taehyung then acquires his book from me and settles down.

For the rest of the class, taehyung focused on his book and I became the one who couldn't cease
glancing at him.

And before the class ends, I question taehyung again and to my utter suprise, he answered correctly even though he stuttered and forgot a
few words.

Afterward, every student leave the class as I
mark each one of their attendance. At last, only taehyung stays behind even and he doesn't move out even after I've taken his attendance.

"Any problem taehyung?" I query as I close the book
and slant back on the chair.

"I have a request to make sir." Nodding my head, I ushered him to go ahead.

"Can I attend tuition at the weekends as well sir?
I have a lot of portions to cover and I'm afraid that I would fall asleep If I decide to learn it at my home. But If it's in the tuition, you will keep an eye on me and I also could ask you the doubts that may arise while studying..." Narrowing my eyes at him, I regard taehyung calmly.

he appears to be truly concerned about his studies.

"Okay," I respond with a single word and stand up from the chair.

Taehyung doesn't try to shift out of the room and just prevails beside the wooden desk, seemingly expecting something from me.

he is in a reddish-green hangfu and it's very apparent that he is an adult...

Black hair braid, innocuous eyes lined with eyetex, a dark dot if ink between his pretty

he looks beautiful!

....did I just check him out? Forget it! It wasn't
me who told all those words about taehyung being beautiful.

"Um...Sir..." I roll out of my daze and focus my eyes on him.
"Yes?" I quirk my eyebrow, straightening my thoughts.

"You looked at me...weirdly," taehyung stutters.

"I did not," I lie bluntly, not wanting to get caught for my action.

"You did sir. You stared at me intently and in a very dazed manner...." I clear my throat, frowning to hide the embarrassment.

"Dazed manner? What do you think you are? A
very beautiful boy?" His features turn dull in a matter of seconds. But this is needed, this will keep him away from me. he would loathe me and that means, he would not ever develop any hard feelings for me.

"I know I'm not very gorgeous. But you still
looked at me in a dazed manner sir!!" Taehyung screeches unanticipatedly and with a furious look thrown in my direction, taehyung leaves the
room. Well, he would hate me now, right?

To be continue.....☆

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